Return a different field than the aggregated field


Given documents that look like this:

    id: 10,
    aggregation_key: "foo",
    timestamp: "2015-08-28"
    id: 20,
    aggregation_key: "foo",
    timestamp: "2015-08-27"
    id: 30,
    aggregation_key: "bar",
    timestamp: "2015-08-25"

Can someone tell me if this is possible with the aggregation api:

I want to group documents together by aggregation_key, and for each set of documents with the same aggregation_key, output the id of the latest document.

So for the above example, it'd return something like:

    "foo": 10,
    "bar": 30


You can do that with a top_hits embedded inside of a terms:

    "aggs": {
        "keys": {
            "terms": {
                "field": "aggregation_key"
            "aggs": {
                "top_id": {
                    "top_hits": {
                        "sort": [
                            { "id": { "order": "desc" } }
                        "_source": {
                            "include": [ "id" ]
                        "size" : 1

That's exactly what I was looking for, thanks!