Return all documents that have the highest value in a field

Suppose that I have the following mapping:

PUT /myindex/_mappings/people 
    "properties": {
      "name": {"type": "keyword"},
      "age" : {"type": "integer"},

And the following documents:

{"name": "Bob", "age": 20},
{"name": "Ben", "age": 25},
{"name": "Eli", "age": 30},
{"name": "Eva", "age": 20},
{"name": "Jan", "age": 21},
{"name": "Jim", "age": 20},
{"name": "Lea", "age": 30},

How do I create a single query which returns all people that are the oldest in the index? Right now, my solution is to do 2 requests, the first one is to aggregate the max age, and then use the max age to to the second request:

GET /myindex/people/_search
    "aggs": {
        "max_age": {"max": {"field": "age"}}

GET /myindex/people/_search
    "query": {"match": {"age": <max_age>}} // where max_age = 30 (which is the aggs result)

Obviously this is a really bad approach. Can anyone suggest a better solution to this? I'm using elastic javascript API 6.0 by the way. Thanks in advance!

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