Return parents document with or without children JOIN

i have a problem that is similar to Return parents with or without children and Is it possible to return parent document with optional child? (but were closed without a solution)

I have an index with a doc type with a join field

"myDataJoin": {
    "type": "join",
    "relations": {
        "original": "personal"

I want to run a query that returns a list of filtered documents defined by a generic query Q. In that list I want to have inner_hits when the document has children but it should also include documents that do not have children.

Right now the best soluonly solution is to repeat the query Q twice (once bare Q, and the other with has_child and inner_hits) in a should query:

  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "should": [
          "bool": {
            "must": [
                "has_child": {
                  "parent_type": "original",
                  "query": {
                    "match_all": {}
                  "inner_hits": {}

but i would like to avoid this repetition.

@benjes and @einfoman : Did you manage to solve this problem?

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