Return search results fields by a mapping document using ElasticSearch

I am indexing the following document as follows:

            "_index": "transactions",
            "_type": "transaction",
            "_id": "1",
            "_score": 1,
            "_source": {
               "title": "another backup",
               "action": "3"

Now let's assume I have a another static document which holds all mappings
for the actions:

            "_index": "transactions",
            "_type": "actions",
            "_id": "1",
            "_score": 1,
            "_source": {
               "3": "backup",
               "2": "upload",
               "1": "AnotherAction"
  1. Is it possible to configure ES so when it returns document of type:

It will map the action field value into the value which stored at
transactions/actions/1 ?

So when I do GET /transactions/transaction/_search

Ill get something like this:

                "_index": "transactions",
                "_type": "transaction",
                "_id": "1",
                "_score": 1,
                "_source": {
                   "title": "another backup",
                   "action": "backup"

If it's possible how I do that? if not what other way is possible to index
such documents with properties values as "enums" while knowing that their
values might change in the future.


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