Return Selected Fields from DSL Aggregation

Hello, I have the following _search query:


    "size": 0,

    "aggs": {

        "3": {

            "terms": {

                "field": "REGIONAL.keyword",

                "order": {

                    "_count": "desc"


                "size": 30


            "aggs": {

                "2": {

                    "terms": {

                        "field": "OFICINA_DESCRIPCION.keyword",

                        "order": {

                            "_count": "desc"


                        "size": 30






    "query": {

        "bool": {

            "must": [],

            "filter": [


                    "range": {

                        "HORA_INICIO": {

                            "gte": "2022-01-01T03:00:00.000Z",

                            "lte": "2022-05-06T20:05:53.807Z",

                            "format": "strict_date_optional_time"





            "should": [],

            "must_not": []




and I'm getting the following response:


    "took": 0,

    "timed_out": false,

    "_shards": {

        "total": 1,

        "successful": 1,

        "skipped": 0,

        "failed": 0


    "hits": {

        "total": {

            "value": 10000,

            "relation": "gte"


        "max_score": null,

        "hits": []


    "aggregations": {

        "3": {

            "doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0,

            "sum_other_doc_count": 0,

            "buckets": [


                    "key": "MONTEVIDEO",

                    "doc_count": 24724,

                    "2": {

                        "doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0,

                        "sum_other_doc_count": 0,

                        "buckets": [


                                "key": "OFICINA COMERCIAL N° 1 CENTRO",

                                "doc_count": 6732



                                "key": "OFICINA COMERCIAL N° 4 UNIÓN",

                                "doc_count": 6012



                                "key": "OFICINA COMERCIAL N° 5 PASO MOLINO",

                                "doc_count": 4870



                                "key": "OFICINA COMERCIAL N° 3 GOES",

                                "doc_count": 3625



                                "key": "OFICINA COMERCIAL N° 6 POCITOS",

                                "doc_count": 3485





                { . . . . . continue

How can I get a response like this only with these fields ?:

  "aggregations.3.buckets.key": value,
  "aggregations.3.buckets.doc_count": value,
  "aggregations.3.buckets.2.buckets.key": value,
  "aggregations.3.buckets.2.buckets.doc_count": value

 . . . .

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