Return specific search results

I have these structures of my index.

        "_index" : "sentences",
        "_type" : "_doc",
        "_id" : "PHhYoXgBJv8cgfRDHSag",
        "_score" : 11.336952,
        "_source" : {
          "word" : "acacia",
          "sentence" : [
            "Acacia armata is the kangaroo-thorn of Australia, A.",
            "The acacia abounded on the borders of the valley, but the groves were gradually cut down for the use of the carpenter and the charcoal-burner.",
            "Two species of acacia are remarkable for the delicate and violet-like perfume of their wood - myall and yarran.",
            "The sunt tree (Acacia nhlolica) grows everywhere, as well as the tamarisk and the sycamore."]


When I search, using this query:
GET sentences/_search
"query": {
"match": {
"sentence": "carpenter"

I am getting entire document, while I just want only that sentence which match which is
"The acacia abounded on the borders of the valley, but the groves were gradually cut down for the use of the carpenter and the charcoal-burner.",
and not the others in the list.

How can I acheive this?
Please help!!

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