RHEL6 MetricBeat Service Start Issues


We are having issues getting the MetricBeat service to start on RHEL 6 servers.

We installed metricbeat-7.17.0-x86_64.rpm and filebeat-7.17.0-x86_64.rpm. The FileBeat service starts successfully. However the MetricBeat shows the below.

service metricbeat start
Starting metricbeat: /usr/share/metricbeat/bin/metricbeat: /lib64/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by /usr/share/metricbeat/bin/metricbeat)

As you know RHEL6 is out of support. Even if we did manage to upgrade GLIBC to required version this could potentially break other stuff.

Any ideas please ?



One possible solution could be to use an older version of Metricbeat that is compatible with the GLIBC version available on your RHEL 6 servers. However, this might not be the best solution as older versions might lack some features and improvements.


Yago82 what version would you recommend here then ?


RHEL 6 comes with GLIBC version 2.12 by default. Metricbeat version 6.8 is the last version that supports GLIBC 2.12. So, you could try installing Metricbeat 6.8.


Thanks for the suggestion yago82. we will try that.

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