Roll over indices - mapping updates and reindexing requirements

Question, how do we better handle the rollover indices along with rollover alias when there is a requirement to update the mappings on the indices.

We have a scenario where we implemented a rollover indices for one of the static indices (used for business search) along with rollover alias.

Now, there is a requiremnt to update the mappings and I knew this requires reindexing of the data from old indices.

Questions that i have is:

  • Can I use the same index naming pattern to create new indices?
  • Can I use the same rollover alias for the new updated index if we use the same index naming pattern?

What is the best way to create new updated indices with new mappings and perform reindexing the data from old to new and still hold the indices under ILM

The issue should be resolved now. I have followed these steps:

  1. Update component template with mapping changes
  2. Create a new index with different naming. eg- old index name: index-000001, new index name -> index-v1-000001
    3.Kept the starting naming pattern same as Index pattern has this patten registered.
  3. Requested to stop the data loads from ETL team.
  4. Set is_write_alias: false on existing active index ( which has old mappings)
  5. Set the rollover_alias along with is_write_index: true on new index
  6. Run reindexing of data from old to new.

This has maintained ILM and rollover at the designated sizes.

Hope this helps some one who comes here later.