Rollover index - not getting progress


I have followed :

I have created an empty index :

PUT /%3Ccdr-%7Bnow%2Fd%7D-1%3E
  "aliases": {
    "cdrnew": {}
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
              "type": "date"


and wrote a spark program that write into cdrnew index.

Kibana shows that : 349080 documents has been writeen into index named : cdr-2019.09.21-1
so far so good.

Now, i have added a new condition :

 POST /cdrnew/_rollover 
       "conditions": {
         "max_age":   "1d",
         "max_docs":   "1000"

Bellow is the output of the command:
"acknowledged" : true,
"shards_acknowledged" : true,
"old_index" : "cdr-2019.09.21-1",
"new_index" : "cdr-2019.09.22-000002",
"rolled_over" : true,
"dry_run" : false,
"conditions" : {
"[max_age: 1d]" : false,
"[max_docs: 1000]" : true

After a while , 68000 documents has been written into cdr-2019.09.22-000002 , but new index DID NOT created.

[elasticsearch@elk7-lab ~]$  curl -X GET ''
alias   index                 filter routing.index
cdrnew  cdr-2019.09.22-000002 -      -             -
.kibana .kibana_1             -      -             -

[elasticsearch@elk7-lab ~]$ curl -X GET ''
health status index                           uuid                   pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
yellow open   cdr-2019.09.21-1                JQA4R5o1STK7JSmxZU1Kgw   1   1     349080            0    270.7mb        270.7mb
yellow open   cdr-2019.09.22-000002           ljMYzX7TSM-MdSz7D2Qung   1   1      68503            0     54.6mb         54.6mb
green  open   .kibana_1                       glHk1hRAQ8GGyUNf_xjB6w   1   0         47           22     99.6kb         99.6kb
green  open   .monitoring-es-7-2019.09.19     G9Hw6QfVQuC8F-VOoQvXUQ   1   0     181881       224144    105.9mb        105.9mb

I expect that after 1000 document a new index : cdr-2019.09.22-000003 will be created
Can you please explain why it didnt happened ?
Also why "[max_age: 1d]" got the value "false"

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