rollupSearch with new Java Api Client

I am struggling to use the new rollupSearch API.
I am trying to map this query:

GET count_rollup/_rollup_search
  "size": 0,
  "aggregations": {
    "timeline": {
      "date_histogram": {
        "field": "datetime",
        "calendar_interval": "1d"
      "aggs" : {
        "parent_name" : {
          "terms": {
            "field": "first_name.keyword",
            "include": "bob"
          "aggs": {
            "lastname_count" : {
              "terms" : {
                "field" : "last_name.keyword"

In just trying to get the first level aggregation done:

            RollupSearchResponse<Object> results = elasticsearchClient.rollup().rollupSearch(_0 -> _0
                            .aggregations(""parent_name", _3 -> _3
                                    .terms(_4 -> _4

I get the following exception: Property name 'parent_name' is not in the 'type#name' format. Make sure the request has 'typed_keys' set

Also can't figure out how to apply the "include".

Any tips or pointers to an example is greatly appreciated.



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