Ruby filter plugin does not read new field values

How to get correct value of the field inside ruby code in logstash pipeline?
sample 1:

input { 
    elasticsearch {
		hosts 				=> "http://localhost:9200"
		index 				=> "test1"
filter {
	mutate {
		add_field 			=> { "yearsdiff" => "10" }
		add_field			=> { "timestampdiff1" => "" }
	ruby {
		code => '
			event.set("[timestampdiff1]", event.get("[yearsdiff]"));
output {
	elasticsearch {
		hosts => "http://localhost:9200/"
		index => "test1"
		action => "update"
		document_id => "%{docid}"
		doc_as_upsert => true

Output :
"timestampdiff1" : 0

sample 2:
Same as above. Only used add_field inside ruby instead of mutate.
"timestampdiff1" : null

Expected output:
"timestampdiff1" : 10

Where are you planning on getting yearsdiff value from? Or is it always 10?

@aaron-nimocks ,
Yes, its always 10.
Actually I want to calculate ( currentYear - yearsDiff ) in timestampdiff1 field but I always get 2021.

If I read correctly and your goal is to get current year and subtract 10 then this how I would do it.

ruby {
 code => '
  event.set("year_diff", (([0..3]).to_i) - 10)

This takes the current system time -> transforms to a string -> using substring function extract the first 4 characters which is the year -> convert back to an integer so you can do math functions -> subtract 10 -> save in new field called year_diff.

Not sure if this is the most efficient but that's just the first solution I thought of.

I answered a closely related question from the same poster here.

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@Badger , actually this question is different. I am still not able to access add_field values inside ruby code. Please suggest a way.

The configuration

input { generator { count => 1 lines => [ '' ] } }
filter {
    mutate {
        add_field           => { "yearsdiff" => "10" }
        add_field           => { "timestampdiff1" => "" }
    ruby { code => ' event.set("[timestampdiff1]", event.get("[yearsdiff]")) ' }
output { stdout { codec => rubydebug { metadata => false } } }


     "yearsdiff" => "10",
       "message" => "",
"timestampdiff1" => "10"

I dont know why but in my case exact same code is giving output as "timestampdiff1" : "0".
I am using ELK 7.12. Is this bug ?

I cannot think of any reason why that would happen.

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