Running benchmarking on existing index

Hi @Alp1,

if you set auto-managed to false, there is no need for you to provide a mapping file. In fact, you can just remove the entire indices section and just define an index and a type explicitly in the search operation. Here is a minimal example from the docs:

  "challenge": {
    "name": "just-search",
    "schedule": [
        "operation": {
          "operation-type": "search",
          "index": "_all",
          "body": {
            "query": {
              "match_all": {}
        "warmup-iterations": 100,
        "iterations": 100,
        "target-throughput": 10

It will run a match_all query against all indices of the target cluster with one client.

To be clear: This is not just a snippet, it is the entire content of your track. You can save this e.g. as search.json and run it with

esrally --pipeline=benchmark-only --target-hosts=node_1_ip:9200,node_2_ip:9200 --track-path=search.json

(this requires that you are on the latest stable version of Rally though which is 0.8.1 at the moment, check with esrally --version).