Running Elastic Standalong


In the process of getting our production cluster configured with a Fleet manager instance but not quite there yet. I am curious what the best approach is if I were to run the elastic agent in stand alone?

I am specifically looking to add the 1Password integration which requires the installation of the elastic agent managed by Fleet or the use of stand alone elastic agent. Would it be best to dedicate a new AWS EC2 instance for this elastic agent to run integrations only? Install it on our dedicated logstash instance?

My confusion at first was needing to install the agent and configure the eventsapibeats for 1Password as it is simply getting it's data from 1Password API but now understand elastic agent is the mechanism to inject that into Elasticsearch.

Currently running 7.16.2 self hosted.

Do you mean 1Password Events Reporting | Elastic Docs?

This Get started with 1Password Events Reporting and Elastic

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