Running logstash in docker container - but apache logs don't get indexed

Hi. Im running logstash in docker container - but apache logs don't get indexed

Here's how I launch logstash in docker:

docker run -d \
    -v /srv/logstash/config:/config-dir \
    -v /var/log/:/var/log \
    --name logstash \
    logstash logstash -f /config-dir/mw.conf

Here's my config file:

input {
  file {
    type => "apache-access"
    path => "/var/log/apache2/mwol_v3-access.log"
    start_position => "beginning" 
filter {
  if [path] =~ "access" {
    mutate { replace => { "type" => "apache_access" } }
    grok {
      match => { "message" => "%{COMBINEDAPACHELOG}" }
  date {
    match => [ "timestamp" , "dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss Z" ]
output {
  stdout { codec => rubydebug }
  elasticsearch {
    hosts => [""]

If the input file is older than 24 hours you may have to adjust the file input's ignore_older option. Otherwise, bump Logstash's log level and inspect its logs. Look for entries containing "mwol_v3-access.log".

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