Runninning two configs in parallel without conflict with schedule

I am trying to create elasticsearch index from oracle table. I have two configs, one delta.conf

*input {*

* jdbc*

*    jdbc_driver_library => "<path>/ojdbc10.jar"*

*    jdbc_driver_class => "Java::oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"*

*    jdbc_connection_string => "connection string"*

*    jdbc_user => <username>*

*    jdbc_password => <pwd>*

*    statement => "SELECT * FROM my table name WHERE last_modified_date >= :sql_last_value"*

*    schedule => "*/15 * * * *"*


*filter {*

*  if !("$FULL_IMPORT_RUNNING" in [tags])*
*    {*

*   *
*    }*
*    else {*

*    drop {}*

*    }*

*  }*

*output *

*     if !("$FULL_IMPORT_RUNNING" in [tags]) *
*     {*

*        elasticsearch *
*        {*
*            hosts => ["http://localhost:9200"]*
*                index => "index_with_id"*
*                document_id => "%{col1}-%{col2}-%{col3}"*
*                action => "update"*
*            doc_as_upsert => true*
*            document_id => "%{col1}-%{col2}-%{col3}"*
*        }*
*     }*


and full.conf

*input {*

* jdbc*

*    jdbc_driver_library => "<path>/ojdbc10.jar"*

*    jdbc_driver_class => "Java::oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"*

*    jdbc_connection_string => "connection string"*

*    jdbc_user => <username>*

*    jdbc_password => <pwd>*

*    statement => "SELECT * FROM my table name"*

*    schedule => "0 0 * * *"*


*filter {*

*  mutate {*

*    add_tag => ["$FULL_IMPORT_RUNNING"]*

*  }*


*output *

*elasticsearch *
*    hosts => ["http://localhost:9200"]*
*        index => "index_with_id"*
*        document_id => "%{col1}-%{col2}-%{col3}"*
*        action => "update"*
*    doc_as_upsert => true*
*    document_id => "%{col1}-%{col2}-%{col3}"*
*    *


If I start logstash with either one of this configs, everything works fine. But when I try to start logstash like : ./logstash -f ../config/delta.conf -f ../config/full.conf I seet thats its started, but nothing happens after tht, no error as well. I am trying to run these flows with a schedule, one for fulltruth and one for delta and trying to avoid execution at the same time

Hello @geothomas,

Welcome to the community!

If you need to run more than one pipeline in the same process, Logstash provides a way to do this through a configuration file called pipelines.yml.

Hope it helps!

Thanks @Priscilla_Parodi , that triggered the execution in parallel. But what I need is to make sure my delta pipeline to stop execution when my full pipeline is runnining. So delta should run only if full is not executing

logstash does not provide a way to do that. The pipelines run independently.

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