Scala:getStatusCode,getResponseBody is not a member of dispatch.Future

I am following the this tutorial on gitHhub Here is the code of EStest.scala

import scala.concurrent.Awaitimport scala.concurrent.duration._
object EStest {val client = new Client("http://localhost:9200")
// Get the cluster's health
// Create the index
client.createIndex(name = "foo")
// Verify the index exists
client.verifyIndex("foo").getStatusCode // Should be 200!
// Add a document to the index.
index = "foo", type = "foo", id = Some("foo"),
data = "{"foo":"bar"}", refresh = true)
// Fetch that document by it's id.
client.get("foo", "foo", "foo").getResponseBody
// Search for all documents."foo", "{"query": { "match_all": {} }").getResponseBody
// Validate a query.
client.validate(index = "foo", query = "{"query": { "match_all": {} }").getStatusCode // Should be 200
// Explain a query.
client.explain(index = "foo", type = "foo", id = "foo2", query = "{"query": { "term": { "foo":"bar"} } }")
// Delete the document.
client.delete("foo", "foo", "foo")
// Delete by query, if you prefer
client.deleteByQuery(Seq("foo"), Seq.empty[String], "{ "match_all": {} }")
// Count the matches to a query
client.count(Seq("foo"), Seq("foo"), "{"query": { "match_all": {} }").getResponseBody
// Delete the index

and following errors occurred

[error] /opt/programs/ES/WabisabiDemo/src/main/scala/EStest.scala:14: value getStatusCode is not a member of dispatch.Future[com.ning.http.client.Response][error] client.verifyIndex("foo").getStatusCode // Should be 200![error] ^[error] /opt/programs/ES/WabisabiDemo/src/main/scala/EStest.scala:23: value getResponseBody is not a member of dispatch.Future[com.ning.http.client.Response][error] client.get("foo", "foo", "foo").getResponseBody[error] ^[error] /opt/programs/ES/WabisabiDemo/src/main/scala/EStest.scala:26: value getResponseBody is not a member of dispatch.Future[com.ning.http.client.Response][error]"foo", "{"query": { "match_all": {} }").getResponseBody[error] ^[error] /opt/programs/ES/WabisabiDemo/src/main/scala/EStest.scala:29: value getStatusCode is not a member of dispatch.Future[com.ning.http.client.Response][error] client.validate(index = "foo", query = "{"query": { "match_all": {} }").getStatusCode // Should be 200[error] ^[error] /opt/programs/ES/WabisabiDemo/src/main/scala/EStest.scala:41: value getResponseBody is not a member of dispatch.Future[com.ning.http.client.Response][error] client.count(Seq("foo"), Seq("foo"), "{"query": { "match_all": {} }").getResponseBody[error] ^[error] 5 errors found[error] (compile:compile) Compilation failed[error] Total time: 17 s, completed Nov 26, 2014 1:54:47 PM
I am not pasting the code of client.scala because it has no errors
,Please help me how can i resolve this error getResponseBody is not a
member of dispatch.Future[com.ning.http.client.Response] and same for
the getStatusCode I am a beginner so i need helpl please help me

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