Scaling time series indices

I am running a time series elasticsearch cluster (on top of AWS service).
Using template, I create a daily index. 5 shards, 2 replicas, on 10 nodes + 4 masters.
Once the number of clients went high up - all stopped working - CPU maximum went to 100%, while CPU average kept low (~40%).

My guess is that the main searches are done against the latest days, so it focus on the nodes that has latest data - while the rest stays idle.

My question is - what would be the right scale mechanism ?
I think that I should by default, in the template, give the maximum number of replicas (10), so latest data will have as many replicas as possible.
Once data become old - in couple of days - reduce the number of replicas to 2.

Is this sounds like a decent methodology ?
Any other recommendations ?

It is likely a lot more efficient to use bigger hardware (ssds, ram, CPU)
for the new indices and use forced allocation awareness to control indices

I don't know how you'd do that with any cloud service.

Replicas scale reads well but not writes because replicas just perform the
same write as the primary.
shushu Shushu Inbar
July 10

I am running a time series elasticsearch cluster (on top of AWS service).
Using template, I create a daily index. 5 shards, 2 replicas, on 10 nodes +
4 masters.
Once the number of clients went high up - all stopped working - CPU maximum
went to 100%, while CPU average kept low (~40%).

My guess is that the main searches are done against the latest days, so it
focus on the nodes that has latest data - while the rest stays idle.

My question is - what would be the right scale mechanism ?
I think that I should by default, in the template, give the maximum number
of replicas (10), so latest data will have as many replicas as possible.
Once data become old - in couple of days - reduce the number of replicas to

Is this sounds like a decent methodology ?
Any other recommendations ?

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