Here i have created a gist example.
I have created a indices with a single field named "message". In that
indices, I have 10 documents with same message string, while searching
on this indices i am getting different score values for resulting
Gist Example Here......
curl -XPUT ''
curl -XPUT '' -d
'{"datatable" : { "properties" : { "message" : {"type" : "string",
"store" : "yes"} } } }'
curl -XPUT '' -d
'{"message" :"trying out Elastic Search It takes the snapshot while
working on group of documents, Based on the snapshot, it will do
update process or other task"}'
curl -XPUT '' -d
'{"message" : "trying out Elastic Search It takes the snapshot while
working on group of documents, Based on the snapshot, it will do
update process or other task"}'
curl -XPUT '' -d
'{"message" :"trying out Elastic Search It takes the snapshot while
working on group of documents, Based on the snapshot, it will do
update process or other task" }'
up to 10 documents....
curl -XGET '' -d
'{"query":{"term" : { "message" : "search" }}}'
"_source" : { "message" : "trying out Elastic Search It takes the
snapshot while working on group of documents, Based on the snapshot,
it will do update process or other task"}},
"_source" : { "message" : "trying out Elastic Search It takes the
snapshot while working on group of documents, Based on the snapshot,
it will do update process or other task"}},
"_source" : { "message" : "trying out Elastic Search It takes the
snapshot while working on group of documents, Based on the snapshot,
it will do update process or other task"}},{"_index":"db123","_type":"
meta","_id":"4","_score":0.13005449, "_source" : { "message" : "trying
out Elastic Search It takes the snapshot while working on group of
documents, Based on the snapshot, it will do update process or other
0.13005449, "_source" : { "message" : "trying out Elastic Search It
takes the snapshot while working on group of documents, Based on the
snapshot, it will do update process or other task"}},
"_source" : { "message" : "trying out Elastic Search It takes the
snapshot while working on group of documents, Based on the snapshot,
it will do update process or other task"}},
"_source" : { "message" : "trying out Elastic Search It takes the
snapshot while working on group of documents, Based on the snapshot,
it will do update process or other task"}},
"_source" : { "message" : "trying out Elastic Search It takes the
snapshot while working on group of documents, Based on the snapshot,
it will do update process or other task"}},
"_source" : { "message" : "trying out Elastic Search It takes the
snapshot while working on group of documents, Based on the snapshot,
it will do update process or other task"}},
"_source" : { "message" : "trying out Elastic Search It takes the
snapshot while working on group of documents, Based on the snapshot,
it will do update process or other task"}}]}}.
Why does the score varying for same content?
How does the score value calculated in Elastic Search...?
If i have a Boolean query for multiple field, Can we mention a
specific field for score calculation for full query....?