Script_exception in watcher condition

Hi All,

I have configured a watcher and added the following condition:

"condition": {
    "script": {
      "source": "boolean trigger=false;ArrayList offenders = new ArrayList();if (ctx.payload.aggregations.login.buckets.size() > 0) { for (int i=0;i<ctx.payload.aggregations.login.buckets.size();i++) {  if (ctx.payload.aggregations.login.buckets[i].source_countries.buckets.size() >= 3) {   offenders.add(ctx.payload.aggregations.login.buckets[i]);   trigger=true;  } }}ctx.vars.offenders=offenders;trigger=true;return trigger;",
      "lang": "painless"

Running the watcher produces the below error and I fail to see why..

"exception": {
    "type": "script_exception",
    "reason": "runtime error",
    "script_stack": [
      "if (ctx.payload.aggregations.login.buckets.size() > 0) { ",
      "                            ^---- HERE"
    "script": "boolean trigger=false;ArrayList offenders = new ArrayList();if (ctx.payload.aggregations.login.buckets.size() > 0) { for (int i=0;i<ctx.payload.aggregations.login.buckets.size();i++) {  if (ctx.payload.aggregations.login.buckets[i].source_countries.buckets.size() >= 3) {   offenders.add(ctx.payload.aggregations.login.buckets[i]);   trigger=true;  } }}ctx.vars.offenders=offenders;trigger=true;return trigger;",
    "lang": "painless",
    "caused_by": {
      "type": "null_pointer_exception",
      "reason": null,
      "stack_trace": "java.lang.NullPointerException\n\tat org.elasticsearch.painless.DefBootstrap$PIC.checkClass(\n\tat org.elasticsearch.painless.PainlessScript$Script.execute(boolean trigger=false;ArrayList offenders = new ArrayList();if (ctx.payload.aggregations.login.buckets.size() > 0) { for (int i=0;i<ctx.payload.aggregations.login.buckets.size();i++) {  if (ctx.payload.aggregations.login.buckets[i].source_countries.buckets ...:89)\n\tat org.elasticsearch.xpack.watcher.condition.ScriptCondition.doExecute(\n\tat org.elasticsearch.xpack.watcher.condition.ScriptCondition.execute(\n\tat org.elasticsearch.xpack.watcher.execution.ExecutionService.executeInner(\n\tat org.elasticsearch.xpack.watcher.execution.ExecutionService.execute(\n\tat org.elasticsearch.xpack.watcher.execution.ExecutionService.lambda$executeAsync$5(\n\tat org.elasticsearch.xpack.watcher.execution.ExecutionService$\n\tat org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.ThreadContext$\n\tat java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(\n\tat java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$\n\tat\n"

The data I get from my query / aggregation looks like this.

  "took" : 620,
  "timed_out" : false,
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 20,
    "successful" : 20,
    "skipped" : 0,
    "failed" : 0
  "hits" : {
    "total" : 2079,
    "max_score" : 0.0,
    "hits" : [ ]
  "aggregations" : {
    "logins" : {
      "doc_count_error_upper_bound" : 20,
      "sum_other_doc_count" : 1005,
      "buckets" : [
          "key" : "",
          "doc_count" : 307,
          "source_countries" : {
            "doc_count_error_upper_bound" : 0,
            "sum_other_doc_count" : 68,
            "buckets" : [
                "key" : "Brazil",
                "doc_count" : 75
                "key" : "United States",
                "doc_count" : 43
                "key" : "Russia",
                "doc_count" : 31
                "key" : "Indonesia",
                "doc_count" : 21
                "key" : "India",
                "doc_count" : 20
                "key" : "Bangladesh",
                "doc_count" : 12
                "key" : "Thailand",
                "doc_count" : 10
                "key" : "China",
                "doc_count" : 9
                "key" : "Iraq",
                "doc_count" : 9
                "key" : "South Africa",
                "doc_count" : 9
          "key" : "",
          "doc_count" : 122,
          "source_countries" : {
            "doc_count_error_upper_bound" : 0,
            "sum_other_doc_count" : 0,
            "buckets" : [
                "key" : "Ireland",
                "doc_count" : 122

Could someone please help?


This is due to the fact the ctx.payload is empty in the watcher. I specified "index-{now/d}" but that needs to be "<index-{now/d}>"

Small change, a large difference.

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