Script_score with multiline code


I have a query, this one compute a score with painless. I try to use multiline painless, using """, but the parser seems to unlike this.

From what I understand, it should work, right ?

Here is my query for review.

"query": {
	"function_score": {
		"query": {
			"bool": {
				"should": [
						"distance_feature": {
							"field": "geoLocations",
							"pivot": "{{distance_pivot}}",
							"origin": [
						"distance_feature": {
							"field": "updateTime",
							"pivot": "{{time_pivot}}",
							"origin": "now"
						"query_string": {
							"fields": [
							"query": "{{preferedKeywords}}",
							"fuzziness": "auto"

						"nested": {
							"path": "imageTags",
							"score_mode": "sum",
							"query": {
								"function_score": {
									"query": {
										"query_string": {
											"fields": [
											"query": "{{preferedKeywords2}}",
											"fuzziness": "auto",
											"default_operator": "AND"
									"field_value_factor": {
										"field": "imageTags.score",
										"factor": 1,
										"missing": 0
						"nested": {
							"path": "imageTags",
							"score_mode": "sum",
							"query": {
								"function_score": {
									"query": {
										"query_string": {
											"fields": [
											"query": "{{preferedKeywords3}}",
											"fuzziness": "auto",
											"default_operator": "OR"
									"field_value_factor": {
										"field": "imageTags.score",
										"factor": 1,
										"missing": 0

		"functions": [
				"script_score": {
					"script": {
						"source": """
						Random rnd = new Random();

						return rnd.nextFloat() * 0.2 +
						Math.log(2 + doc['likesCount'].value)+
						Math.log(2 + doc['viewsCount'].value)) / 3;
		"score_mode": "avg"

I have find an answer here: [Painless] Stored script - Multiline - Parsing Error

So, multiline is not supported at all in Elastic ? (Only Kibana Dev Tool) ?

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