Scripted field as string combined with a number

doc['chrom.keyword'].value + ':' + ' ' + doc['start'].value + ' ' + doc['alt.keyword'].value + ' / ' + doc['ref.keyword'].value

chrom=string = chr1
start=double = 43814975
alt=string = C
ref=string = T

scripted field is a string =
chrom_pos_alt =   chr1: 4.3814975E7 C / T

When it should be = chr1: 43814975 C / T

How do I get that number to be "as is" instead of 4.3814975E7



The scientific notation is exactly how the float value "is". If you don't care about potential data loss, you could cast to a long. Additionally, you could cast to a double, but there would still be the possibility of the same notation for other values (and I'm not positive double would not use that notation for your current value).

Thanks Ryan.

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