Scroll and scan issue, no new scroll_id generated

I am stuck on a weird problem.

I am running a text_phrase query over a range of timestamps. this query is
perfectly fine. I want to download the entire result (some 1.5 million
documents) so I used scan + scroll_id method.

This is my Curl

curl -XGET
-d '
"query":{"bool":{"must":[{"text":{"message":"this is an

I get the scrollid in response as we should.

next step: use the scroll id on the _Search endpoint

curl -XGET 'remotehost:9200/_search/scroll?scroll=10m' -d

However the response gives me back the same scroll id in the json

So what happens is that I can make one more query with the above scroll id
after which it will fail.


I am not sure what I am doing wrong here, please help?

thank you

Are you using the scroll id from the previous response as the one to use for the next request?

On Aug 7, 2012, at 12:35 AM, abshkd wrote:

I am stuck on a weird problem.

I am running a text_phrase query over a range of timestamps. this query is perfectly fine. I want to download the entire result (some 1.5 million documents) so I used scan + scroll_id method.

This is my Curl

curl -XGET 'remotehost:9200/graylog2/messsage/_search?search_type=scan&scroll=10m&size=10' -d '
"query":{"bool":{"must":[{"text":{"message":"this is an error"}},{"range":{"created_at":{"from":"1341597072","to":"1344275472"}}}]}}

I get the scrollid in response as we should.

next step: use the scroll id on the _Search endpoint

curl -XGET 'remotehost:9200/_search/scroll?scroll=10m' -d 'c2Nhbjs1OzgwOnRxMnhsNGhuVFZxeE0xUTRyN3piYlE7Nzk6dHEyeGw0aG5UVnF4TTFRNHI3emJiUTs3ODp0cTJ4bDRoblRWcXhNMVE0cjd6YmJROzc3OnRxMnhsNGhuVFZxeE0xUTRyN3piYlE7NzY6dHEyeGw0aG5UVnF4TTFRNHI3emJiUTsxO3RvdGFsX2hpdHM6MTIwNDQ3NTs='

However the response gives me back the same scroll id in the json ['_scroll_id']

So what happens is that I can make one more query with the above scroll id after which it will fail.


I am not sure what I am doing wrong here, please help?

thank you