I made some tests with search as you type field: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.x/search-as-you-type.html
I've an index containing products. Each product(document) have many fields like: lineDescription, model, colorDescription and so on.
On those fields in some part of my application I have some autocomplete that help the user during typing: for example on model field, lineDescription, and so on.
I saw how to create a field of "search_as_you_type" type, but I don't know if I should convert my original fields (they were text) into this type or if it's better to add a new field "search_as_you_type" in addition to the original field with the same data inside.
In short, should I have this:
"lineDescription": {
"type": "text",
"fields": {
"ngram": {
"type": "text",
"analyzer": "ngram",
"search_analyzer": "standard"
"keyword": {
"type": "keyword"
"lineDescription_as_you_type": {
"type": "search_as_you_type"
just this:
"lineDescription_as_you_type": {
"type": "search_as_you_type"
"lineDescription": {
"type": "text",
"fields": {
"ngram": {
"type": "text",
"analyzer": "ngram",
"search_analyzer": "standard"
"keyword": {
"type": "keyword"
"suggest": {
"type": "search_as_you_type"
I was asking myse which is the most long term solution to avoid to wake up a day and say "oh, I can't use this query on lineDescription field because it has search_as_you_type type". For example I also want to do exact matching on lineDescription field as well, and for that reason I created also .keyword variant of the field.
I'm sure you guys can suggest me a more wide vision about modeling this specific use case.