Search box with ajax results, query with wildcard (but also allow 1-2 typos)

Hi I'm trying to create a search box that returns results from Elastic on keypress. The problem is with the documentation warning not to use both fuzzy and wildcard in a query.

Is there an other way to use wildcard and allow for a typo or two?

This is my current query:

const query = {   
        bool: {
            should: {
                match: {
                    status: "publish"
            filter: {
                bool: {
                    minimum_should_match: 1,
                    should: [                        
                            query_string: {
                              fields: [
                              query: `${queryString}~2`,     
                              // fuzzy_prefix_length : 3,                         
            // should: [
            // ]                                    

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