Search colon separated values in text field in Kibana fails

Kibana version: 5.3.0

Elasticsearch version: 5.3.0

Browser version: Chrome 56

I have some data with the following structure:

  "_index": "...",
  "_type": "...",
  "_id": "...",
  "_score": null,
  "_source": {
    "ActivityID": "7aa89a606fb940598c1906fcc315788f",
    "input_type": "log",
    "Date": "2017-04-05 15:00:05.0212",
    "Details": " Data:  EventsCount: 1 accountId: 12345 otherId: 12345 sql: SELECT Bla FROM Bla EventId: 5",
    "ThreadID": "21",
    "@version": "1"

And I can successfully use the regexp filter to filter the values AFTER the colon in the Details column:

  "query": {
    "regexp": {
      "Details": {
        "value": "[0-9]{5}"

This highlight all the accountId/otherId values containing 5 digits.

But if I try to filter on the name (I.E. EventsCount/accountId/otherId or "accountId: 12345") I do not get any result.

Details is just a string field so its content should be considered all together a big string, but for some reason is not searching the names before the colon (and or the whitespaces and the colon themselves which I believe it is default behaviour).


  "Details": {
    "type": "text",
    "norms": false

I think this is because the field is indexed (this is due to the fact that it's mapped as a text field). But you can highlight fields containing a string by using a wildcard filter like this:

  "query": {
    "wildcard": {
      "": "*accountId*"

Thank you for the reply; I will try this now and see if it works, but is there a way to use regex for that?

EDIT: Just tried, wildcard doesn't work either.

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