Search documents with apostrophes in fields


I am quite new to Elascticsearch and try to write and search documents.
I have no problem writing documents, but I have one when I try searching for documents using a word that is stored in a field with an apostrophe :

I have a the following document :

        "id": "M1_wtH0BGSGXR1CgouJc",
        "title": "Harry Potter et le prisonier d'Azkaban",
        "resume": "trop bien",
        "authors": [
                "name": "Johanne"

When I try to search with the request :

  "query": {
    "multi_match" : {
      "query" : "d'azkaban",
      "fields" : [ "*"] 

it works, but with :

  "query": {
    "multi_match" : {
      "query" : "azkaban",
      "fields" : [ "*"] 

it does not.

Is there a way to have the search work with 'azkaban' ? Ignoring the apostrophe ?

Thank you in advance,

Gabriel de Ramecourt

Bonjour Gabriel ! :wink:

You need to use the elision token filter to analyze such a text.

It's also built in the french analyzer.

Merci Dadoonet,
it works!

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