Search documents with array elements matching two conditions


I want to search documents in an index which contains an array type with two documents :

PUT my_index/doc/1
    "message": "some arrays in this document...",
    "tags":  [ "elasticsearch", "wow" ], 
    "lists": [
            "name": "cool_list",
            "description": "cool stuff list"

PUT my_index/doc/2 
    "message": "some arrays in this document...",
    "tags":  "elasticsearch",
    "lists": [ 
            "name": "cool_list",
            "description": "just a cool list"
            "name": "other_list",
            "description": "uncool stuff list"

How do I get the documents in which the attribute "lists" contains an element which matches both of the following criterias :

  • "name" matches "cool_list"
  • "description" matches "stuff"

With the following search query, I am not getting the results that I want, because I also get doc 2 in which none of the two items match both the two criterias, but each item matches one of the two different criterias :

GET my_index/_search
    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "must": [
                { "match": { "": "cool_list"  } },
                { "match": { "lists.description": "stuff"  } }

You need to define lists as a nested type and use then nested queries.

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