Search does not return all requested highlights

I have a rather complicated search query - and the query itself acts as expected but I'm missing the last requested highlight in the end of the query - all highlights in the inner_hits are returned as expected.

I have removed all other parts of the should clause for clarity - It's only the rather simple multi_match I'm missing highlighing on:

	"query": {
		"filtered": {
			"query": {
				"bool": {
					"should": [
						 "multi_match": {
							"query": "manual calibrate PDT3310",
							"type": "cross_fields",
							"fields": ["doc_id", "doc_title", "project_no", "superseeded_by"]

			"filter": {
				"bool": {
					"must": [
							"terms": {
								"lokation_beskriv": ["1200"]
						}, {
							"terms": {
								"i2systemnumber": ["26"]
	"highlight": {
		"order": "score",
		"pre_tags": ["<mark>"],
		"post_tags": ["</mark>"],
		"fields": {
			"doc_title": [],
			"doc_id": [],
			"project_no": [],
			"superseeded_by": []

Typo found....

The JSON format in the "fields" part was wrong...

Correct format should be with curly braces instead:

	"fields": {
		"doc_title": {},
		"doc_id": {},
		"project_no": {},
		"superseeded_by": {}