Search for * in data

I have an application where in dictated results, the string "***" is put in to indicate that a dictated word can not be understood. I have a text field containing the output of the dictation, and when I look at the string I see the *** in the data.

However, I have been unable to search/filter for the string *** in the discover tool or with TSVB.

If I use *** as a filter string, it gets treated as three wildcards and anything with more than 3 tokens is returned (didn't spend a lot of time on that, so maybe I am not interpreting the results correctly)
If I use quotes "***", I get no results.
If I use backslash escaping \*\*\* I get no results.
If I use slash escaping /*/*/* I get no results.

Is this an issue with the analyzer used in processing the field? Or is it a problem getting the wildcard character escaped?

Hi @jfromm

Yup the standard analyzer is eating the "***".

Assuming this is a line of text or something take a look at these

POST _analyze
  "text": "hello *** friend"

POST _analyze
  "analyzer": "whitespace",
  "text": "hello *** friend"

then try

PUT my-new-idx/
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
      "dictated_text": {
        "type": "text",
        "analyzer": "whitespace"

POST my-new-idx/_doc
  "dictated_text" : "hello Mr *** thank you for coming to the proceeding"

POST my-new-idx/_search
  "query": {
    "match": {
      "dictated_text": "***"

This may not fix all your issues ... but should be a start

BTW I noticed you tagged KQL so I tried it .. worked too! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the help Stephen. Off to configure the analyzer.

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