Search on multidimensional array


 I want to search a* multidimensional array element*. How to access it 

in elasticsearch. As for example:

id_like : [
"id" : 777,
"id" : 597,

Now I want to search the document with id and sort by title. so can you
please tell me how to query it?

you'll need to index it as separate documents:

"id" : 777,

Then you can get one document via
curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/docs/doc/777

or sort by title:
curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/docs/doc/_search -d '
{ "sort": { "title" : "desc" },


On 3 Nov., 08:17, Narinder Kaur wrote:


 I want to search a* multidimensional array element*. How to access it

in elasticsearch. As for example:

id_like : [
"id" : 777,

"id" : 597,


Now I want to search the document with id and sort by title. so can you
please tell me how to query it?