Search Performance Issue

Hi Friends,

  Elastic search Performance is very slow when i add multiple OR 

condition in query string..How to manage that one?


( Discover OR the OR concepts OR and OR experiments OR that OR define
OR the OR fields OR of OR genetics OR molecular .....etc)


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so the most likely problem here is the terms with high-frequency like
"the", "and"... you can either drop those entirely by using stopword
filters or you can be more dynamic and build you query with a
match query and use the cutoff_freq (a cut off frequency where terms will
be promoted to be entirely optional unless one of the others match)

"match" : {
"message" : {
"query" : "Discover the concepts and experiments that define the fields of genetics molecular...",
"cutoff_frequency" : 0.001

the query above is equivalent to what you did below except of the fact that
high freq terms are only considered if one of the other terms match.

On Monday, May 20, 2013 12:22:34 PM UTC+2, Maria John Franklin wrote:

Hi Friends,

  Elastic search Performance is very slow when i add multiple OR 

condition in query string..How to manage that one?


( Discover OR the OR concepts OR and OR experiments OR that OR
define OR the OR fields OR of OR genetics OR molecular .....etc)


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On Monday, May 20, 2013 6:22:34 PM UTC+8, Maria John Franklin wrote:

Hi Friends,

  Elastic search Performance is very slow when i add multiple OR 

condition in query string..How to manage that one?


( Discover OR the OR concepts OR and OR experiments OR that OR
define OR the OR fields OR of OR genetics OR molecular .....etc)


Hi simonw,
Thanks for ur reply..How to add cutoff_frequency in My query?

My sample Query is below

"from": {{1}},
"size": {{10}},
"fields" :["test","test1","test2","test3","test4"],
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
{{@testquery}} /////condition sample ( Discover OR the OR
concepts OR and OR experiments OR that OR define OR the OR fields OR of OR genetics
OR molecula ..etc)
"sort": [{{@SORTQUERY}}],
"facets": {{@FACETQUERY}}


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On Monday, May 20, 2013 6:22:34 PM UTC+8, Maria John Franklin wrote:

Hi Friends,

  Elastic search Performance is very slow when i add multiple OR 

condition in query string..How to manage that one?


( Discover OR the OR concepts OR and OR experiments OR that OR
define OR the OR fields OR of OR genetics OR molecular .....etc)


Hi simonw,
Thanks for ur reply..How to add cutoff_frequency in My query?

My sample Query is below

"from": {{1}},
"size": {{10}},
"fields" :["test","test1","test2","test3","test4"],
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
{{@testquery}} /////condition sample 1 ( Discover OR the OR
concepts OR and OR experiments OR that OR define OR the OR fields OR of OR
genetics OR molecula ..etc)

                              /////condition sample 2 ((Discover   AND concepts 

) OR genetics OR experiments )
"sort": [{{@SORTQUERY}}],
"facets": {{@FACETQUERY}}


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On Monday, May 20, 2013 6:22:34 PM UTC+8, Maria John Franklin wrote:

Hi Friends,

  Elastic search Performance is very slow when i add multiple OR 

condition in query string..How to manage that one?


( Discover OR the OR concepts OR and OR experiments OR that OR
define OR the OR fields OR of OR genetics OR molecular .....etc)


Hi Simonw,
This is my exact query..How to increase performance in this query?

"from": 0,
"size": 10,
"fields" :["test","test1","test2","test3","test4"],
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"query_string": {
"query": "(((ascorbic) AND (acid,) AND (folic) AND (acid,) AND
(niacin,) AND (thiamine,) AND (riboflavin,) AND (pyridoxine,) AND
(cyanocobalamin,) AND (pantothenic) AND (acid,) AND (biotin)) OR
((nephrocaps)) OR ((multivitamin)) OR ((folbee)) OR ((vitamin) AND b
AND (complex) AND (injectable)) OR ((therems)) OR ((rena‐vite)
AND (rx)) OR ((unicap)) OR ((1000) AND (bc)) OR ((lipotriad)) OR
((vitamin) AND b AND (complex)) OR ((vitamin) AND (b‐100) AND
(t/r)) OR ((bee‐comp) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((folmor)) OR
((nephro‐vite)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐150)) OR
((vita‐ret) AND (500)) OR ((neuroforte‐six)) OR
((poly‐vi‐sol) AND (drops)) OR ((tri‐vi‐sol)) OR
((super) AND (b‐100) AND (td)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐100))
OR ((m.v.i.‐12)) OR ((foltx)) OR ((nephrolan) AND (rx)) OR
((cod) AND (liver) AND (oil)) OR ((baby) AND (vitamin) AND (drop)) OR
((equaline) AND (one) AND (daily) AND (essential)) OR ((lipogen)) OR
((triphro)) OR ((formula) AND (b)) OR ((poly‐vi‐sol)) OR
((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((liponol)) OR
((hexavitamin)) OR ((cholinoid)) OR ((one‐a‐day) AND (50+))
OR ((high) AND b AND (complex)) OR ((cerefolin)) OR ((vitamin) AND
(c,) AND (e,) AND (rose) AND (hips)) OR ((cholidase)) OR ((poly) AND
(vit) AND (drops)) OR ((sunkist) AND (child) AND (chewable)) OR
((nephronex)) OR ((alz‐nac)) OR ((dialyvite) AND (800)) OR
((beminal‐500)) OR ((cardiotek‐rx)) OR ((poly‐vita)
AND (drops)) OR ((reno) AND (caps)) OR ((stresstabs)) OR ((primaplex))
OR ((becomject‐100)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐100) AND (high)
AND (potency) AND (caplets)) OR ((super) AND (aytinal) AND (for) AND
(active) AND (adults)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND (with)
AND (vitamin) AND (c)) OR ((vitamin) AND (b‐plex)) OR
((vi‐daylin) AND (adc)) OR ((neurodep)) OR ((unicap) AND
(capsule)) OR ((fruity) AND (chew)) OR ((folcaps)) OR ((folbee) AND
(ar)) OR ((biotin) AND (forte)) OR ((nephplex) AND (rx)) OR
((protegra)) OR ((poly‐vit) AND (chew)) OR ((vitamin) AND
(b‐100)) OR ((vitamins) AND (for) AND (hair)) OR ((vicam)) OR
((renatabs)) OR ((fabb)) OR ((rena‐vite)) OR ((infuvite)) OR
((cota‐b‐plex)) OR ((poly) AND (vit) AND (with) AND
(infant) AND (drop)) OR ((vitacirc‐b)) OR ((nephrocaps) AND
(qt)) OR ((l‐methyl‐b6‐b12)) OR ((bounty) AND (bear)
AND (vitamins)) OR ((folic) AND (acid/vitamin) AND b AND
(complex/vitamin) AND (c)) OR ((mega) AND (b)) OR ((vitamin) AND
(liquid)) OR ((tri‐vit) AND (drops)) OR ((vitamin) AND (a) AND
d AND (softgels)) OR ((apatate)) OR ((high) AND (potency) AND (b+c))
OR ((t‐vites)) OR ((b‐plex)) OR ((combgen)) OR
((vita‐respa)) OR ((folamin)) OR ((foltrate)) OR ((stress) AND b
AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((l‐methylfolate) AND (ca,) AND
(me‐cbl) AND (nac)) OR ((surbex)) OR ((triveen‐cf)) OR
((renaphro)) OR ((one‐a‐day) AND (essentials)) OR
((sunkist) AND (child) AND (chewable) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((one)
AND (daily)) OR ((vesselvite)) OR ((b‐ject) AND (100)) OR
((enfolast‐n)) OR ((folbee) AND (plus)) OR ((folastin)) OR
((therobec)) OR ((theragenerix)) OR ((megaton)) OR ((tri‐vit)) OR
((enfolast)) OR ((dialyvite) AND (rx)) OR ((renal) AND (caps)) OR
((b‐plex) AND (plus)) OR ((tri‐vita) AND (drops)) OR
((vi‐stress)) OR ((d‐400) AND (international) AND (units))
OR ((tab‐a‐vite)) OR ((b) AND (complex)) OR
((vol‐care) AND (rx)) OR ((folast)) OR ((protegra) AND (cardio))
OR ((folic) AND (acid/cyanocobalamin/pyridoxine) AND (hydrochloride)) OR
((vita) AND (drop)) OR ((vitamin) AND (a,) AND (d)) OR
((rovin‐cf)) OR ((apetigen)) OR ((folbalin)) OR
((key‐plex)) OR ((b‐scorbic)) OR ((surbex‐t)) OR
((cardiotek)) OR ((multiple) AND (vitamins) AND (essentials)) OR
((vitaplex)) OR ((morplex)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐50)) OR
((folplex)) OR ((glutofac)) OR ((cardiotek) AND (rx)) OR ((oncovite))
OR ((surbex) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((vi‐daylin) AND (drops)) OR
((scotts) AND (emulsion)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND
(with) AND (vitamin) AND (c) AND (b12)) OR ((cod) AND (liver) AND
(oil) AND (mint)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND (with) AND
(b12)) OR ((lipoflavonoid)) OR ((neurpath‐b)) OR
((b‐complex) AND (50)) OR ((foltabs) AND (800)) OR
((therapeutic) AND (vitamins)) OR ((folbalin) AND (plus)) OR
((allbee‐c) AND (800)) OR ((allbee‐c)) OR ((zycose)) OR
((diatx)) OR ((theragran)) OR ((sesame) AND (st.) AND (vitamins) AND
(with) AND (extra) AND (c)) OR ((folgard) AND ((obsolete))) OR
((nephrocaps)) OR ((multivitamin)) OR ((flintstones) AND
(multivitamins)) OR ((folgard) AND (rx)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND
(complex) AND (100)) OR ((cefol)) OR ((super) AND b AND (complex) AND
(with) AND (c)) OR ((flintstones) AND (with) AND c AND
(multivitamins)) OR ((tl) AND (gard)) OR ((daily) AND (multiple) AND
(vitamins)) OR ((superplex‐t)) OR ((foleve)) OR ((thex) AND
(forte)) OR ((m.v.i.) AND (pediatric)) OR ((vigomar) AND (forte)) OR
((super) AND (plenamins)) OR ((ivites) AND (rx)) OR ((multi) AND
(vits) AND (with) AND (beta) AND (carotene)) OR ((allantex)) OR
((foleve) AND (plus)) OR ((b) AND (complex) AND (50)) OR
((nephro‐vite) AND (rx)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND
(t/r)) OR ((dayalets)) OR ((b‐complex)) OR ((cerefolinnac)) OR
((niafol)) OR ((folbic)) OR ((super) AND (aytinal) AND (50) AND
(plus)) OR ((farbee) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((garfield) AND
(vitamins) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((b) AND (100) AND (complex)) OR
((sigtab)) OR ((vimar)) OR ((folnate) AND (plus)) OR
((daily‐vite) AND (men's) AND (formula)) OR ((cernevit)) OR
((l‐methylfolate) AND (ca,) AND (p‐5‐p,) AND
(me‐cbl)) OR ((vi‐daylin) AND (chewable)) OR ((mtx) AND
(support)) OR ((may‐vita)) OR ((stress) AND (formula) AND (600))
OR ((bee) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((child) AND (circus)) OR
((berocca)) OR ((stress) AND (formula) AND (caplets)) OR
((thera‐plus)) OR ((daily) AND (vite)) OR ((multi‐delyn))
OR ((m.v.c.) AND (sdv)) OR ((kenwood) AND (therapeutic)) OR
((b‐complex) AND (sr)) OR ((folplex) AND (2.2)) OR ((vitamin)
AND (daily) AND (liquid)) OR ((bugs) AND (bunny) AND (with) AND
(extra) AND (c)) OR ((folnate)) OR ((b‐50) AND (complex)) OR
((therapeutic) AND (b+c)) OR ((children's) AND (chewable) AND
(multivitamins)) OR ((theravite)) OR ((vitamin) AND (b‐50)) OR
((high) AND (potency) AND b AND (complex) AND (with) AND (b12) AND
(c)) OR ((nufol)) OR ((m.v.i.) AND (adult)) OR
((one‐a‐day) AND (men's) AND (health) AND (formula)) OR
((b‐stress)) OR ((chewable) AND (vitamins)) OR
((uni‐daily)) OR ((folgard) AND (rx) AND (2.2)) OR
((vi‐daylin)) OR ((super) AND b AND (complex)) OR ((apetex)) OR
((unicap) AND (jr.)) OR ((chewable‐vite)) OR ((multi‐day))
OR ((b‐complex) AND (with) AND (b‐12)) OR
((optilets‐500)) OR ((vitabee) AND (with) AND (c)) OR
((nutrifac) AND (zx)) OR ((thera)) OR ((dexfol)) OR ((garfield) AND
(vitamins)) OR ((animal) AND (shape) AND (vitamins)) OR ((zymacap)) OR
((one) AND (tab) AND (daily)) OR ((menopause) AND (relief) AND (with)
AND (lifenol)) OR ((stress) AND (formula)) OR ((cernevit‐12)) OR
((vitamin) AND (b+c)) OR ((essential) AND (balance)) OR ((prostate)
AND (2.4)) OR ((metanx)) OR ((super) AND (b‐50)) OR ((infuvite)
AND (pediatric)) OR ((b‐50) AND (balanced)) OR ((land) AND
(before) AND (time) AND (children's) AND (with) AND (vitamin) AND
(c)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐100) AND (time) AND (released) AND
(high) AND (potency) AND (caplets)) OR ((pyridoxine) AND
(cyanocobalamin) AND (folic) AND (acid)) OR ((folbic)))"
"cutoff_frequency" : 0.001
"sort": [{{@SORTQUERY}}],
"facets": {{@FACETQUERY}}


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You shoud try to use filter instead of query. I don't think a score is
relevant with this type of query.

On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Maria John Franklin <> wrote:

On Monday, May 20, 2013 6:22:34 PM UTC+8, Maria John Franklin wrote:

Hi Friends,

  Elastic search Performance is very slow when i add multiple OR

condition in query string..How to manage that one?


( Discover OR the OR concepts OR and OR **experiments OR that OR
define OR the OR **fields OR of OR genetics OR molecular .....etc)


Hi Simonw,
This is my exact query..How to increase performance in this query?

"from": 0,
"size": 10,
"fields" :["test","test1","test2","**test3","test4"],
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"query_string": {
"query": "(((ascorbic) AND (acid,) AND (folic) AND (acid,) AND
(niacin,) AND (thiamine,) AND (riboflavin,) AND (pyridoxine,) AND
(cyanocobalamin,) AND (pantothenic) AND (acid,) AND (biotin)) OR
((nephrocaps)) OR ((multivitamin)) OR ((folbee)) OR ((vitamin) AND b
AND (complex) AND (injectable)) OR ((therems)) OR ((rena‐vite)
AND (rx)) OR ((unicap)) OR ((1000) AND (bc)) OR ((lipotriad)) OR
((vitamin) AND b AND (complex)) OR ((vitamin) AND (b‐100) AND
(t/r)) OR ((bee‐comp) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((folmor)) OR
((nephro‐vite)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐150)) OR
((vita‐ret) AND (500)) OR ((neuroforte‐six)) OR
((poly‐vi‐sol) AND (drops)) OR ((tri‐vi‐sol)) OR
((super) AND (b‐100) AND (td)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐100))
OR ((m.v.i.‐12)) OR ((foltx)) OR ((nephrolan) AND (rx)) OR
((cod) AND (liver) AND (oil)) OR ((baby) AND (vitamin) AND (drop)) OR
((equaline) AND (one) AND (daily) AND (essential)) OR ((lipogen)) OR
((triphro)) OR ((formula) AND (b)) OR ((poly‐vi‐sol)) OR
((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((liponol)) OR
((hexavitamin)) OR ((cholinoid)) OR ((one‐a‐day) AND (50+))
OR ((high) AND b AND (complex)) OR ((cerefolin)) OR ((vitamin) AND
(c,) AND (e,) AND (rose) AND (hips)) OR ((cholidase)) OR ((poly) AND
(vit) AND (drops)) OR ((sunkist) AND (child) AND (chewable)) OR
((nephronex)) OR ((alz‐nac)) OR ((dialyvite) AND (800)) OR
((beminal‐500)) OR ((cardiotek‐rx)) OR ((poly‐vita)
AND (drops)) OR ((reno) AND (caps)) OR ((stresstabs)) OR ((primaplex))
OR ((becomject‐100)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐100) AND (high)
AND (potency) AND (caplets)) OR ((super) AND (aytinal) AND (for) AND
(active) AND (adults)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND (with)
AND (vitamin) AND (c)) OR ((vitamin) AND (b‐plex)) OR
((vi‐daylin) AND (adc)) OR ((neurodep)) OR ((unicap) AND
(capsule)) OR ((fruity) AND (chew)) OR ((folcaps)) OR ((folbee) AND
(ar)) OR ((biotin) AND (forte)) OR ((nephplex) AND (rx)) OR
((protegra)) OR ((poly‐vit) AND (chew)) OR ((vitamin) AND
(b‐100)) OR ((vitamins) AND (for) AND (hair)) OR ((vicam)) OR
((renatabs)) OR ((fabb)) OR ((rena‐vite)) OR ((infuvite)) OR
((cota‐b‐plex)) OR ((poly) AND (vit) AND (with) AND
(infant) AND (drop)) OR ((vitacirc‐b)) OR ((nephrocaps) AND
(qt)) OR ((l‐methyl‐b6‐b12)) OR ((bounty) AND (bear)
AND (vitamins)) OR ((folic) AND (acid/vitamin) AND b AND
(complex/vitamin) AND (c)) OR ((mega) AND (b)) OR ((vitamin) AND
(liquid)) OR ((tri‐vit) AND (drops)) OR ((vitamin) AND (a) AND
d AND (softgels)) OR ((apatate)) OR ((high) AND (potency) AND (b+c))
OR ((t‐vites)) OR ((b‐plex)) OR ((combgen)) OR
((vita‐respa)) OR ((folamin)) OR ((foltrate)) OR ((stress) AND b
AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((l‐methylfolate) AND (ca,) AND
(me‐cbl) AND (nac)) OR ((surbex)) OR ((triveen‐cf)) OR
((renaphro)) OR ((one‐a‐day) AND (essentials)) OR
((sunkist) AND (child) AND (chewable) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((one)
AND (daily)) OR ((vesselvite)) OR ((b‐ject) AND (100)) OR
((enfolast‐n)) OR ((folbee) AND (plus)) OR ((folastin)) OR
((therobec)) OR ((theragenerix)) OR ((megaton)) OR ((tri‐vit)) OR
((enfolast)) OR ((dialyvite) AND (rx)) OR ((renal) AND (caps)) OR
((b‐plex) AND (plus)) OR ((tri‐vita) AND (drops)) OR
((vi‐stress)) OR ((d‐400) AND (international) AND (units))
OR ((tab‐a‐vite)) OR ((b) AND (complex)) OR
((vol‐care) AND (rx)) OR ((folast)) OR ((protegra) AND (cardio))
OR ((folic) AND (acid/cyanocobalamin/pyridoxine) AND (hydrochloride)) OR
((vita) AND (drop)) OR ((vitamin) AND (a,) AND (d)) OR
((rovin‐cf)) OR ((apetigen)) OR ((folbalin)) OR
((key‐plex)) OR ((b‐scorbic)) OR ((surbex‐t)) OR
((cardiotek)) OR ((multiple) AND (vitamins) AND (essentials)) OR
((vitaplex)) OR ((morplex)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐50)) OR
((folplex)) OR ((glutofac)) OR ((cardiotek) AND (rx)) OR ((oncovite))
OR ((surbex) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((vi‐daylin) AND (drops)) OR
((scotts) AND (emulsion)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND
(with) AND (vitamin) AND (c) AND (b12)) OR ((cod) AND (liver) AND
(oil) AND (mint)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND (with) AND
(b12)) OR ((lipoflavonoid)) OR ((neurpath‐b)) OR
((b‐complex) AND (50)) OR ((foltabs) AND (800)) OR
((therapeutic) AND (vitamins)) OR ((folbalin) AND (plus)) OR
((allbee‐c) AND (800)) OR ((allbee‐c)) OR ((zycose)) OR
((diatx)) OR ((theragran)) OR ((sesame) AND (st.) AND (vitamins) AND
(with) AND (extra) AND (c)) OR ((folgard) AND ((obsolete))) OR
((nephrocaps)) OR ((multivitamin)) OR ((flintstones) AND
(multivitamins)) OR ((folgard) AND (rx)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND
(complex) AND (100)) OR ((cefol)) OR ((super) AND b AND (complex) AND
(with) AND (c)) OR ((flintstones) AND (with) AND c AND
(multivitamins)) OR ((tl) AND (gard)) OR ((daily) AND (multiple) AND
(vitamins)) OR ((superplex‐t)) OR ((foleve)) OR ((thex) AND
(forte)) OR ((m.v.i.) AND (pediatric)) OR ((vigomar) AND (forte)) OR
((super) AND (plenamins)) OR ((ivites) AND (rx)) OR ((multi) AND
(vits) AND (with) AND (beta) AND (carotene)) OR ((allantex)) OR
((foleve) AND (plus)) OR ((b) AND (complex) AND (50)) OR
((nephro‐vite) AND (rx)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND
(t/r)) OR ((dayalets)) OR ((b‐complex)) OR ((cerefolinnac)) OR
((niafol)) OR ((folbic)) OR ((super) AND (aytinal) AND (50) AND
(plus)) OR ((farbee) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((garfield) AND
(vitamins) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((b) AND (100) AND (complex)) OR
((sigtab)) OR ((vimar)) OR ((folnate) AND (plus)) OR
((daily‐vite) AND (men's) AND (formula)) OR ((cernevit)) OR
((l‐methylfolate) AND (ca,) AND (p‐5‐p,) AND
(me‐cbl)) OR ((vi‐daylin) AND (chewable)) OR ((mtx) AND
(support)) OR ((may‐vita)) OR ((stress) AND (formula) AND (600))
OR ((bee) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((child) AND (circus)) OR
((berocca)) OR ((stress) AND (formula) AND (caplets)) OR
((thera‐plus)) OR ((daily) AND (vite)) OR ((multi‐delyn))
OR ((m.v.c.) AND (sdv)) OR ((kenwood) AND (therapeutic)) OR
((b‐complex) AND (sr)) OR ((folplex) AND (2.2)) OR ((vitamin)
AND (daily) AND (liquid)) OR ((bugs) AND (bunny) AND (with) AND
(extra) AND (c)) OR ((folnate)) OR ((b‐50) AND (complex)) OR
((therapeutic) AND (b+c)) OR ((children's) AND (chewable) AND
(multivitamins)) OR ((theravite)) OR ((vitamin) AND (b‐50)) OR
((high) AND (potency) AND b AND (complex) AND (with) AND (b12) AND
(c)) OR ((nufol)) OR ((m.v.i.) AND (adult)) OR
((one‐a‐day) AND (men's) AND (health) AND (formula)) OR
((b‐stress)) OR ((chewable) AND (vitamins)) OR
((uni‐daily)) OR ((folgard) AND (rx) AND (2.2)) OR
((vi‐daylin)) OR ((super) AND b AND (complex)) OR ((apetex)) OR
((unicap) AND (jr.)) OR ((chewable‐vite)) OR ((multi‐day))
OR ((b‐complex) AND (with) AND (b‐12)) OR
((optilets‐500)) OR ((vitabee) AND (with) AND (c)) OR
((nutrifac) AND (zx)) OR ((thera)) OR ((dexfol)) OR ((garfield) AND
(vitamins)) OR ((animal) AND (shape) AND (vitamins)) OR ((zymacap)) OR
((one) AND (tab) AND (daily)) OR ((menopause) AND (relief) AND (with)
AND (lifenol)) OR ((stress) AND (formula)) OR ((cernevit‐12)) OR
((vitamin) AND (b+c)) OR ((essential) AND (balance)) OR ((prostate)
AND (2.4)) OR ((metanx)) OR ((super) AND (b‐50)) OR ((infuvite)
AND (pediatric)) OR ((b‐50) AND (balanced)) OR ((land) AND
(before) AND (time) AND (children's) AND (with) AND (vitamin) AND
(c)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐100) AND (time) AND (released) AND
(high) AND (potency) AND (caplets)) OR ((pyridoxine) AND
(cyanocobalamin) AND (folic) AND (acid)) OR ((folbic)))"
"cutoff_frequency" : 0.001
"sort": [{{@SORTQUERY}}],
"facets": {{@FACETQUERY}}


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"elasticsearch" group.
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "elasticsearch" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
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filters won't help here. Can you provide some info how slow the query is? I
mean what is the usecase for this query, are you doing patent searches? I
really can't see how can make this fast really. The only think I can think
of is to change the structure entirely but without usecase hard to tell.


On Tuesday, May 28, 2013 2:23:01 PM UTC+2, Nicolas Labrot wrote:

You shoud try to use filter instead of query. I don't think a score is
relevant with this type of query.

On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Maria John Franklin < <javascript:>> wrote:

On Monday, May 20, 2013 6:22:34 PM UTC+8, Maria John Franklin wrote:

Hi Friends,

  Elastic search Performance is very slow when i add multiple OR 

condition in query string..How to manage that one?


( Discover OR the OR concepts OR and OR **experiments OR that OR
define OR the OR **fields OR of OR genetics OR molecular .....etc)


Hi Simonw,
This is my exact query..How to increase performance in this query?

"from": 0,
"size": 10,
"fields" :["test","test1","test2","**test3","test4"],
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"query_string": {
"query": "(((ascorbic) AND (acid,) AND (folic) AND (acid,) AND
(niacin,) AND (thiamine,) AND (riboflavin,) AND (pyridoxine,) AND
(cyanocobalamin,) AND (pantothenic) AND (acid,) AND (biotin)) OR
((nephrocaps)) OR ((multivitamin)) OR ((folbee)) OR ((vitamin) AND b
AND (complex) AND (injectable)) OR ((therems)) OR ((rena‐vite)
AND (rx)) OR ((unicap)) OR ((1000) AND (bc)) OR ((lipotriad)) OR
((vitamin) AND b AND (complex)) OR ((vitamin) AND (b‐100) AND
(t/r)) OR ((bee‐comp) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((folmor)) OR
((nephro‐vite)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐150)) OR
((vita‐ret) AND (500)) OR ((neuroforte‐six)) OR
((poly‐vi‐sol) AND (drops)) OR ((tri‐vi‐sol)) OR
((super) AND (b‐100) AND (td)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐100))
OR ((m.v.i.‐12)) OR ((foltx)) OR ((nephrolan) AND (rx)) OR
((cod) AND (liver) AND (oil)) OR ((baby) AND (vitamin) AND (drop)) OR
((equaline) AND (one) AND (daily) AND (essential)) OR ((lipogen)) OR
((triphro)) OR ((formula) AND (b)) OR ((poly‐vi‐sol)) OR
((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((liponol)) OR
((hexavitamin)) OR ((cholinoid)) OR ((one‐a‐day) AND (50+))
OR ((high) AND b AND (complex)) OR ((cerefolin)) OR ((vitamin) AND
(c,) AND (e,) AND (rose) AND (hips)) OR ((cholidase)) OR ((poly) AND
(vit) AND (drops)) OR ((sunkist) AND (child) AND (chewable)) OR
((nephronex)) OR ((alz‐nac)) OR ((dialyvite) AND (800)) OR
((beminal‐500)) OR ((cardiotek‐rx)) OR ((poly‐vita)
AND (drops)) OR ((reno) AND (caps)) OR ((stresstabs)) OR ((primaplex))
OR ((becomject‐100)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐100) AND (high)
AND (potency) AND (caplets)) OR ((super) AND (aytinal) AND (for) AND
(active) AND (adults)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND (with)
AND (vitamin) AND (c)) OR ((vitamin) AND (b‐plex)) OR
((vi‐daylin) AND (adc)) OR ((neurodep)) OR ((unicap) AND
(capsule)) OR ((fruity) AND (chew)) OR ((folcaps)) OR ((folbee) AND
(ar)) OR ((biotin) AND (forte)) OR ((nephplex) AND (rx)) OR
((protegra)) OR ((poly‐vit) AND (chew)) OR ((vitamin) AND
(b‐100)) OR ((vitamins) AND (for) AND (hair)) OR ((vicam)) OR
((renatabs)) OR ((fabb)) OR ((rena‐vite)) OR ((infuvite)) OR
((cota‐b‐plex)) OR ((poly) AND (vit) AND (with) AND
(infant) AND (drop)) OR ((vitacirc‐b)) OR ((nephrocaps) AND
(qt)) OR ((l‐methyl‐b6‐b12)) OR ((bounty) AND (bear)
AND (vitamins)) OR ((folic) AND (acid/vitamin) AND b AND
(complex/vitamin) AND (c)) OR ((mega) AND (b)) OR ((vitamin) AND
(liquid)) OR ((tri‐vit) AND (drops)) OR ((vitamin) AND (a) AND
d AND (softgels)) OR ((apatate)) OR ((high) AND (potency) AND (b+c))
OR ((t‐vites)) OR ((b‐plex)) OR ((combgen)) OR
((vita‐respa)) OR ((folamin)) OR ((foltrate)) OR ((stress) AND b
AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((l‐methylfolate) AND (ca,) AND
(me‐cbl) AND (nac)) OR ((surbex)) OR ((triveen‐cf)) OR
((renaphro)) OR ((one‐a‐day) AND (essentials)) OR
((sunkist) AND (child) AND (chewable) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((one)
AND (daily)) OR ((vesselvite)) OR ((b‐ject) AND (100)) OR
((enfolast‐n)) OR ((folbee) AND (plus)) OR ((folastin)) OR
((therobec)) OR ((theragenerix)) OR ((megaton)) OR ((tri‐vit)) OR
((enfolast)) OR ((dialyvite) AND (rx)) OR ((renal) AND (caps)) OR
((b‐plex) AND (plus)) OR ((tri‐vita) AND (drops)) OR
((vi‐stress)) OR ((d‐400) AND (international) AND (units))
OR ((tab‐a‐vite)) OR ((b) AND (complex)) OR
((vol‐care) AND (rx)) OR ((folast)) OR ((protegra) AND (cardio))
OR ((folic) AND (acid/cyanocobalamin/pyridoxine) AND (hydrochloride)) OR
((vita) AND (drop)) OR ((vitamin) AND (a,) AND (d)) OR
((rovin‐cf)) OR ((apetigen)) OR ((folbalin)) OR
((key‐plex)) OR ((b‐scorbic)) OR ((surbex‐t)) OR
((cardiotek)) OR ((multiple) AND (vitamins) AND (essentials)) OR
((vitaplex)) OR ((morplex)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐50)) OR
((folplex)) OR ((glutofac)) OR ((cardiotek) AND (rx)) OR ((oncovite))
OR ((surbex) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((vi‐daylin) AND (drops)) OR
((scotts) AND (emulsion)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND
(with) AND (vitamin) AND (c) AND (b12)) OR ((cod) AND (liver) AND
(oil) AND (mint)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND (with) AND
(b12)) OR ((lipoflavonoid)) OR ((neurpath‐b)) OR
((b‐complex) AND (50)) OR ((foltabs) AND (800)) OR
((therapeutic) AND (vitamins)) OR ((folbalin) AND (plus)) OR
((allbee‐c) AND (800)) OR ((allbee‐c)) OR ((zycose)) OR
((diatx)) OR ((theragran)) OR ((sesame) AND (st.) AND (vitamins) AND
(with) AND (extra) AND (c)) OR ((folgard) AND ((obsolete))) OR
((nephrocaps)) OR ((multivitamin)) OR ((flintstones) AND
(multivitamins)) OR ((folgard) AND (rx)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND
(complex) AND (100)) OR ((cefol)) OR ((super) AND b AND (complex) AND
(with) AND (c)) OR ((flintstones) AND (with) AND c AND
(multivitamins)) OR ((tl) AND (gard)) OR ((daily) AND (multiple) AND
(vitamins)) OR ((superplex‐t)) OR ((foleve)) OR ((thex) AND
(forte)) OR ((m.v.i.) AND (pediatric)) OR ((vigomar) AND (forte)) OR
((super) AND (plenamins)) OR ((ivites) AND (rx)) OR ((multi) AND
(vits) AND (with) AND (beta) AND (carotene)) OR ((allantex)) OR
((foleve) AND (plus)) OR ((b) AND (complex) AND (50)) OR
((nephro‐vite) AND (rx)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND
(t/r)) OR ((dayalets)) OR ((b‐complex)) OR ((cerefolinnac)) OR
((niafol)) OR ((folbic)) OR ((super) AND (aytinal) AND (50) AND
(plus)) OR ((farbee) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((garfield) AND
(vitamins) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((b) AND (100) AND (complex)) OR
((sigtab)) OR ((vimar)) OR ((folnate) AND (plus)) OR
((daily‐vite) AND (men's) AND (formula)) OR ((cernevit)) OR
((l‐methylfolate) AND (ca,) AND (p‐5‐p,) AND
(me‐cbl)) OR ((vi‐daylin) AND (chewable)) OR ((mtx) AND
(support)) OR ((may‐vita)) OR ((stress) AND (formula) AND (600))
OR ((bee) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((child) AND (circus)) OR
((berocca)) OR ((stress) AND (formula) AND (caplets)) OR
((thera‐plus)) OR ((daily) AND (vite)) OR ((multi‐delyn))
OR ((m.v.c.) AND (sdv)) OR ((kenwood) AND (therapeutic)) OR
((b‐complex) AND (sr)) OR ((folplex) AND (2.2)) OR ((vitamin)
AND (daily) AND (liquid)) OR ((bugs) AND (bunny) AND (with) AND
(extra) AND (c)) OR ((folnate)) OR ((b‐50) AND (complex)) OR
((therapeutic) AND (b+c)) OR ((children's) AND (chewable) AND
(multivitamins)) OR ((theravite)) OR ((vitamin) AND (b‐50)) OR
((high) AND (potency) AND b AND (complex) AND (with) AND (b12) AND
(c)) OR ((nufol)) OR ((m.v.i.) AND (adult)) OR
((one‐a‐day) AND (men's) AND (health) AND (formula)) OR
((b‐stress)) OR ((chewable) AND (vitamins)) OR
((uni‐daily)) OR ((folgard) AND (rx) AND (2.2)) OR
((vi‐daylin)) OR ((super) AND b AND (complex)) OR ((apetex)) OR
((unicap) AND (jr.)) OR ((chewable‐vite)) OR ((multi‐day))
OR ((b‐complex) AND (with) AND (b‐12)) OR
((optilets‐500)) OR ((vitabee) AND (with) AND (c)) OR
((nutrifac) AND (zx)) OR ((thera)) OR ((dexfol)) OR ((garfield) AND
(vitamins)) OR ((animal) AND (shape) AND (vitamins)) OR ((zymacap)) OR
((one) AND (tab) AND (daily)) OR ((menopause) AND (relief) AND (with)
AND (lifenol)) OR ((stress) AND (formula)) OR ((cernevit‐12)) OR
((vitamin) AND (b+c)) OR ((essential) AND (balance)) OR ((prostate)
AND (2.4)) OR ((metanx)) OR ((super) AND (b‐50)) OR ((infuvite)
AND (pediatric)) OR ((b‐50) AND (balanced)) OR ((land) AND
(before) AND (time) AND (children's) AND (with) AND (vitamin) AND
(c)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐100) AND (time) AND (released) AND
(high) AND (potency) AND (caplets)) OR ((pyridoxine) AND
(cyanocobalamin) AND (folic) AND (acid)) OR ((folbic)))"
"cutoff_frequency" : 0.001
"sort": [{{@SORTQUERY}}],
"facets": {{@FACETQUERY}}


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On Tuesday, May 28, 2013 9:04:46 PM UTC+8, simonw wrote:

filters won't help here. Can you provide some info how slow the query is?
I mean what is the usecase for this query, are you doing patent searches? I
really can't see how can make this fast really. The only think I can think
of is to change the structure entirely but without usecase hard to tell.


On Tuesday, May 28, 2013 2:23:01 PM UTC+2, Nicolas Labrot wrote:

You shoud try to use filter instead of query. I don't think a score is
relevant with this type of query.

On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Maria John Franklin <> wrote:

On Monday, May 20, 2013 6:22:34 PM UTC+8, Maria John Franklin wrote:

Hi Friends,

  Elastic search Performance is very slow when i add multiple OR 

condition in query string..How to manage that one?


( Discover OR the OR concepts OR and OR **experiments OR that OR
define OR the OR **fields OR of OR genetics OR molecular .....etc)


Hi Simonw,
This is my exact query..How to increase performance in this query?

"from": 0,
"size": 10,
"fields" :["test","test1","test2","**test3","test4"],
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"query_string": {
"query": "(((ascorbic) AND (acid,) AND (folic) AND (acid,) AND
(niacin,) AND (thiamine,) AND (riboflavin,) AND (pyridoxine,) AND
(cyanocobalamin,) AND (pantothenic) AND (acid,) AND (biotin)) OR
((nephrocaps)) OR ((multivitamin)) OR ((folbee)) OR ((vitamin) AND b
AND (complex) AND (injectable)) OR ((therems)) OR ((rena‐vite)
AND (rx)) OR ((unicap)) OR ((1000) AND (bc)) OR ((lipotriad)) OR
((vitamin) AND b AND (complex)) OR ((vitamin) AND (b‐100) AND
(t/r)) OR ((bee‐comp) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((folmor)) OR
((nephro‐vite)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐150)) OR
((vita‐ret) AND (500)) OR ((neuroforte‐six)) OR
((poly‐vi‐sol) AND (drops)) OR ((tri‐vi‐sol)) OR
((super) AND (b‐100) AND (td)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐100))
OR ((m.v.i.‐12)) OR ((foltx)) OR ((nephrolan) AND (rx)) OR
((cod) AND (liver) AND (oil)) OR ((baby) AND (vitamin) AND (drop)) OR
((equaline) AND (one) AND (daily) AND (essential)) OR ((lipogen)) OR
((triphro)) OR ((formula) AND (b)) OR ((poly‐vi‐sol)) OR
((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((liponol)) OR
((hexavitamin)) OR ((cholinoid)) OR ((one‐a‐day) AND (50+))
OR ((high) AND b AND (complex)) OR ((cerefolin)) OR ((vitamin) AND
(c,) AND (e,) AND (rose) AND (hips)) OR ((cholidase)) OR ((poly) AND
(vit) AND (drops)) OR ((sunkist) AND (child) AND (chewable)) OR
((nephronex)) OR ((alz‐nac)) OR ((dialyvite) AND (800)) OR
((beminal‐500)) OR ((cardiotek‐rx)) OR ((poly‐vita)
AND (drops)) OR ((reno) AND (caps)) OR ((stresstabs)) OR ((primaplex))
OR ((becomject‐100)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐100) AND (high)
AND (potency) AND (caplets)) OR ((super) AND (aytinal) AND (for) AND
(active) AND (adults)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND (with)
AND (vitamin) AND (c)) OR ((vitamin) AND (b‐plex)) OR
((vi‐daylin) AND (adc)) OR ((neurodep)) OR ((unicap) AND
(capsule)) OR ((fruity) AND (chew)) OR ((folcaps)) OR ((folbee) AND
(ar)) OR ((biotin) AND (forte)) OR ((nephplex) AND (rx)) OR
((protegra)) OR ((poly‐vit) AND (chew)) OR ((vitamin) AND
(b‐100)) OR ((vitamins) AND (for) AND (hair)) OR ((vicam)) OR
((renatabs)) OR ((fabb)) OR ((rena‐vite)) OR ((infuvite)) OR
((cota‐b‐plex)) OR ((poly) AND (vit) AND (with) AND
(infant) AND (drop)) OR ((vitacirc‐b)) OR ((nephrocaps) AND
(qt)) OR ((l‐methyl‐b6‐b12)) OR ((bounty) AND (bear)
AND (vitamins)) OR ((folic) AND (acid/vitamin) AND b AND
(complex/vitamin) AND (c)) OR ((mega) AND (b)) OR ((vitamin) AND
(liquid)) OR ((tri‐vit) AND (drops)) OR ((vitamin) AND (a) AND
d AND (softgels)) OR ((apatate)) OR ((high) AND (potency) AND (b+c))
OR ((t‐vites)) OR ((b‐plex)) OR ((combgen)) OR
((vita‐respa)) OR ((folamin)) OR ((foltrate)) OR ((stress) AND b
AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((l‐methylfolate) AND (ca,) AND
(me‐cbl) AND (nac)) OR ((surbex)) OR ((triveen‐cf)) OR
((renaphro)) OR ((one‐a‐day) AND (essentials)) OR
((sunkist) AND (child) AND (chewable) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((one)
AND (daily)) OR ((vesselvite)) OR ((b‐ject) AND (100)) OR
((enfolast‐n)) OR ((folbee) AND (plus)) OR ((folastin)) OR
((therobec)) OR ((theragenerix)) OR ((megaton)) OR ((tri‐vit)) OR
((enfolast)) OR ((dialyvite) AND (rx)) OR ((renal) AND (caps)) OR
((b‐plex) AND (plus)) OR ((tri‐vita) AND (drops)) OR
((vi‐stress)) OR ((d‐400) AND (international) AND (units))
OR ((tab‐a‐vite)) OR ((b) AND (complex)) OR
((vol‐care) AND (rx)) OR ((folast)) OR ((protegra) AND (cardio))
OR ((folic) AND (acid/cyanocobalamin/pyridoxine) AND (hydrochloride)) OR
((vita) AND (drop)) OR ((vitamin) AND (a,) AND (d)) OR
((rovin‐cf)) OR ((apetigen)) OR ((folbalin)) OR
((key‐plex)) OR ((b‐scorbic)) OR ((surbex‐t)) OR
((cardiotek)) OR ((multiple) AND (vitamins) AND (essentials)) OR
((vitaplex)) OR ((morplex)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐50)) OR
((folplex)) OR ((glutofac)) OR ((cardiotek) AND (rx)) OR ((oncovite))
OR ((surbex) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((vi‐daylin) AND (drops)) OR
((scotts) AND (emulsion)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND
(with) AND (vitamin) AND (c) AND (b12)) OR ((cod) AND (liver) AND
(oil) AND (mint)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND (with) AND
(b12)) OR ((lipoflavonoid)) OR ((neurpath‐b)) OR
((b‐complex) AND (50)) OR ((foltabs) AND (800)) OR
((therapeutic) AND (vitamins)) OR ((folbalin) AND (plus)) OR
((allbee‐c) AND (800)) OR ((allbee‐c)) OR ((zycose)) OR
((diatx)) OR ((theragran)) OR ((sesame) AND (st.) AND (vitamins) AND
(with) AND (extra) AND (c)) OR ((folgard) AND ((obsolete))) OR
((nephrocaps)) OR ((multivitamin)) OR ((flintstones) AND
(multivitamins)) OR ((folgard) AND (rx)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND
(complex) AND (100)) OR ((cefol)) OR ((super) AND b AND (complex) AND
(with) AND (c)) OR ((flintstones) AND (with) AND c AND
(multivitamins)) OR ((tl) AND (gard)) OR ((daily) AND (multiple) AND
(vitamins)) OR ((superplex‐t)) OR ((foleve)) OR ((thex) AND
(forte)) OR ((m.v.i.) AND (pediatric)) OR ((vigomar) AND (forte)) OR
((super) AND (plenamins)) OR ((ivites) AND (rx)) OR ((multi) AND
(vits) AND (with) AND (beta) AND (carotene)) OR ((allantex)) OR
((foleve) AND (plus)) OR ((b) AND (complex) AND (50)) OR
((nephro‐vite) AND (rx)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND
(t/r)) OR ((dayalets)) OR ((b‐complex)) OR ((cerefolinnac)) OR
((niafol)) OR ((folbic)) OR ((super) AND (aytinal) AND (50) AND
(plus)) OR ((farbee) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((garfield) AND
(vitamins) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((b) AND (100) AND (complex)) OR
((sigtab)) OR ((vimar)) OR ((folnate) AND (plus)) OR
((daily‐vite) AND (men's) AND (formula)) OR ((cernevit)) OR
((l‐methylfolate) AND (ca,) AND (p‐5‐p,) AND
(me‐cbl)) OR ((vi‐daylin) AND (chewable)) OR ((mtx) AND
(support)) OR ((may‐vita)) OR ((stress) AND (formula) AND (600))
OR ((bee) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((child) AND (circus)) OR
((berocca)) OR ((stress) AND (formula) AND (caplets)) OR
((thera‐plus)) OR ((daily) AND (vite)) OR ((multi‐delyn))
OR ((m.v.c.) AND (sdv)) OR ((kenwood) AND (therapeutic)) OR
((b‐complex) AND (sr)) OR ((folplex) AND (2.2)) OR ((vitamin)
AND (daily) AND (liquid)) OR ((bugs) AND (bunny) AND (with) AND
(extra) AND (c)) OR ((folnate)) OR ((b‐50) AND (complex)) OR
((therapeutic) AND (b+c)) OR ((children's) AND (chewable) AND
(multivitamins)) OR ((theravite)) OR ((vitamin) AND (b‐50)) OR
((high) AND (potency) AND b AND (complex) AND (with) AND (b12) AND
(c)) OR ((nufol)) OR ((m.v.i.) AND (adult)) OR
((one‐a‐day) AND (men's) AND (health) AND (formula)) OR
((b‐stress)) OR ((chewable) AND (vitamins)) OR
((uni‐daily)) OR ((folgard) AND (rx) AND (2.2)) OR
((vi‐daylin)) OR ((super) AND b AND (complex)) OR ((apetex)) OR
((unicap) AND (jr.)) OR ((chewable‐vite)) OR ((multi‐day))
OR ((b‐complex) AND (with) AND (b‐12)) OR
((optilets‐500)) OR ((vitabee) AND (with) AND (c)) OR
((nutrifac) AND (zx)) OR ((thera)) OR ((dexfol)) OR ((garfield) AND
(vitamins)) OR ((animal) AND (shape) AND (vitamins)) OR ((zymacap)) OR
((one) AND (tab) AND (daily)) OR ((menopause) AND (relief) AND (with)
AND (lifenol)) OR ((stress) AND (formula)) OR ((cernevit‐12)) OR
((vitamin) AND (b+c)) OR ((essential) AND (balance)) OR ((prostate)
AND (2.4)) OR ((metanx)) OR ((super) AND (b‐50)) OR ((infuvite)
AND (pediatric)) OR ((b‐50) AND (balanced)) OR ((land) AND
(before) AND (time) AND (children's) AND (with) AND (vitamin) AND
(c)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐100) AND (time) AND (released) AND
(high) AND (potency) AND (caplets)) OR ((pyridoxine) AND
(cyanocobalamin) AND (folic) AND (acid)) OR ((folbic)))"
"cutoff_frequency" : 0.001
"sort": [{{@SORTQUERY}}],
"facets": {{@FACETQUERY}}


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Groups "elasticsearch" group.
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  Hi Friends,

      My search Fuctionality having two type.
  1. type 1----taking only few seconds

"from": 0,
"size": 10,
"fields" :["test","test1","test2","**test3","test4"],
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"query_string": {
"query": "(test)"


"sort": [{{@SORTQUERY}}],
"facets": {{@FACETQUERY}}

  1. Type 2----taking 1 can i reduce this timing?.

"from": 0,
"size": 10,
"fields" :["test","test1","test2","**test3","test4"],
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"query_string": {
"query": "(((ascorbic) AND (acid,) AND (folic) AND (acid,) AND
(niacin,) AND (thiamine,) AND (riboflavin,) AND (pyridoxine,) AND
(cyanocobalamin,) AND (pantothenic) AND (acid,) AND (biotin)) OR
((nephrocaps)) OR ((multivitamin)) OR ((folbee)) OR ((vitamin) AND b
AND (complex) AND (injectable)) OR ((therems)) OR ((rena‐vite)
AND (rx)) OR ((unicap)) OR ((1000) AND (bc)) OR ((lipotriad)) OR
((vitamin) AND b AND (complex)) OR ((vitamin) AND (b‐100) AND
(t/r)) OR ((bee‐comp) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((folmor)) OR
((nephro‐vite)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐150)) OR
((vita‐ret) AND (500)) OR ((neuroforte‐six)) OR
((poly‐vi‐sol) AND (drops)) OR ((tri‐vi‐sol)) OR
((super) AND (b‐100) AND (td)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐100))
OR ((m.v.i.‐12)) OR ((foltx)) OR ((nephrolan) AND (rx)) OR
((cod) AND (liver) AND (oil)) OR ((baby) AND (vitamin) AND (drop)) OR
((equaline) AND (one) AND (daily) AND (essential)) OR ((lipogen)) OR
((triphro)) OR ((formula) AND (b)) OR ((poly‐vi‐sol)) OR
((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((liponol)) OR
((hexavitamin)) OR ((cholinoid)) OR ((one‐a‐day) AND (50+))
OR ((high) AND b AND (complex)) OR ((cerefolin)) OR ((vitamin) AND
(c,) AND (e,) AND (rose) AND (hips)) OR ((cholidase)) OR ((poly) AND
(vit) AND (drops)) OR ((sunkist) AND (child) AND (chewable)) OR
((nephronex)) OR ((alz‐nac)) OR ((dialyvite) AND (800)) OR
((beminal‐500)) OR ((cardiotek‐rx)) OR ((poly‐vita)
AND (drops)) OR ((reno) AND (caps)) OR ((stresstabs)) OR ((primaplex))
OR ((becomject‐100)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐100) AND (high)
AND (potency) AND (caplets)) OR ((super) AND (aytinal) AND (for) AND
(active) AND (adults)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND (with)
AND (vitamin) AND (c)) OR ((vitamin) AND (b‐plex)) OR
((vi‐daylin) AND (adc)) OR ((neurodep)) OR ((unicap) AND
(capsule)) OR ((fruity) AND (chew)) OR ((folcaps)) OR ((folbee) AND
(ar)) OR ((biotin) AND (forte)) OR ((nephplex) AND (rx)) OR
((protegra)) OR ((poly‐vit) AND (chew)) OR ((vitamin) AND
(b‐100)) OR ((vitamins) AND (for) AND (hair)) OR ((vicam)) OR
((renatabs)) OR ((fabb)) OR ((rena‐vite)) OR ((infuvite)) OR
((cota‐b‐plex)) OR ((poly) AND (vit) AND (with) AND
(infant) AND (drop)) OR ((vitacirc‐b)) OR ((nephrocaps) AND
(qt)) OR ((l‐methyl‐b6‐b12)) OR ((bounty) AND (bear)
AND (vitamins)) OR ((folic) AND (acid/vitamin) AND b AND
(complex/vitamin) AND (c)) OR ((mega) AND (b)) OR ((vitamin) AND
(liquid)) OR ((tri‐vit) AND (drops)) OR ((vitamin) AND (a) AND
d AND (softgels)) OR ((apatate)) OR ((high) AND (potency) AND (b+c))
OR ((t‐vites)) OR ((b‐plex)) OR ((combgen)) OR
((vita‐respa)) OR ((folamin)) OR ((foltrate)) OR ((stress) AND b
AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((l‐methylfolate) AND (ca,) AND
(me‐cbl) AND (nac)) OR ((surbex)) OR ((triveen‐cf)) OR
((renaphro)) OR ((one‐a‐day) AND (essentials)) OR
((sunkist) AND (child) AND (chewable) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((one)
AND (daily)) OR ((vesselvite)) OR ((b‐ject) AND (100)) OR
((enfolast‐n)) OR ((folbee) AND (plus)) OR ((folastin)) OR
((therobec)) OR ((theragenerix)) OR ((megaton)) OR ((tri‐vit)) OR
((enfolast)) OR ((dialyvite) AND (rx)) OR ((renal) AND (caps)) OR
((b‐plex) AND (plus)) OR ((tri‐vita) AND (drops)) OR
((vi‐stress)) OR ((d‐400) AND (international) AND (units))
OR ((tab‐a‐vite)) OR ((b) AND (complex)) OR
((vol‐care) AND (rx)) OR ((folast)) OR ((protegra) AND (cardio))
OR ((folic) AND (acid/cyanocobalamin/pyridoxine) AND (hydrochloride)) OR
((vita) AND (drop)) OR ((vitamin) AND (a,) AND (d)) OR
((rovin‐cf)) OR ((apetigen)) OR ((folbalin)) OR
((key‐plex)) OR ((b‐scorbic)) OR ((surbex‐t)) OR
((cardiotek)) OR ((multiple) AND (vitamins) AND (essentials)) OR
((vitaplex)) OR ((morplex)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐50)) OR
((folplex)) OR ((glutofac)) OR ((cardiotek) AND (rx)) OR ((oncovite))
OR ((surbex) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((vi‐daylin) AND (drops)) OR
((scotts) AND (emulsion)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND
(with) AND (vitamin) AND (c) AND (b12)) OR ((cod) AND (liver) AND
(oil) AND (mint)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND (with) AND
(b12)) OR ((lipoflavonoid)) OR ((neurpath‐b)) OR
((b‐complex) AND (50)) OR ((foltabs) AND (800)) OR
((therapeutic) AND (vitamins)) OR ((folbalin) AND (plus)) OR
((allbee‐c) AND (800)) OR ((allbee‐c)) OR ((zycose)) OR
((diatx)) OR ((theragran)) OR ((sesame) AND (st.) AND (vitamins) AND
(with) AND (extra) AND (c)) OR ((folgard) AND ((obsolete))) OR
((nephrocaps)) OR ((multivitamin)) OR ((flintstones) AND
(multivitamins)) OR ((folgard) AND (rx)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND
(complex) AND (100)) OR ((cefol)) OR ((super) AND b AND (complex) AND
(with) AND (c)) OR ((flintstones) AND (with) AND c AND
(multivitamins)) OR ((tl) AND (gard)) OR ((daily) AND (multiple) AND
(vitamins)) OR ((superplex‐t)) OR ((foleve)) OR ((thex) AND
(forte)) OR ((m.v.i.) AND (pediatric)) OR ((vigomar) AND (forte)) OR
((super) AND (plenamins)) OR ((ivites) AND (rx)) OR ((multi) AND
(vits) AND (with) AND (beta) AND (carotene)) OR ((allantex)) OR
((foleve) AND (plus)) OR ((b) AND (complex) AND (50)) OR
((nephro‐vite) AND (rx)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND
(t/r)) OR ((dayalets)) OR ((b‐complex)) OR ((cerefolinnac)) OR
((niafol)) OR ((folbic)) OR ((super) AND (aytinal) AND (50) AND
(plus)) OR ((farbee) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((garfield) AND
(vitamins) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((b) AND (100) AND (complex)) OR
((sigtab)) OR ((vimar)) OR ((folnate) AND (plus)) OR
((daily‐vite) AND (men's) AND (formula)) OR ((cernevit)) OR
((l‐methylfolate) AND (ca,) AND (p‐5‐p,) AND
(me‐cbl)) OR ((vi‐daylin) AND (chewable)) OR ((mtx) AND
(support)) OR ((may‐vita)) OR ((stress) AND (formula) AND (600))
OR ((bee) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((child) AND (circus)) OR
((berocca)) OR ((stress) AND (formula) AND (caplets)) OR
((thera‐plus)) OR ((daily) AND (vite)) OR ((multi‐delyn))
OR ((m.v.c.) AND (sdv)) OR ((kenwood) AND (therapeutic)) OR
((b‐complex) AND (sr)) OR ((folplex) AND (2.2)) OR ((vitamin)
AND (daily) AND (liquid)) OR ((bugs) AND (bunny) AND (with) AND
(extra) AND (c)) OR ((folnate)) OR ((b‐50) AND (complex)) OR
((therapeutic) AND (b+c)) OR ((children's) AND (chewable) AND
(multivitamins)) OR ((theravite)) OR ((vitamin) AND (b‐50)) OR
((high) AND (potency) AND b AND (complex) AND (with) AND (b12) AND
(c)) OR ((nufol)) OR ((m.v.i.) AND (adult)) OR
((one‐a‐day) AND (men's) AND (health) AND (formula)) OR
((b‐stress)) OR ((chewable) AND (vitamins)) OR
((uni‐daily)) OR ((folgard) AND (rx) AND (2.2)) OR
((vi‐daylin)) OR ((super) AND b AND (complex)) OR ((apetex)) OR
((unicap) AND (jr.)) OR ((chewable‐vite)) OR ((multi‐day))
OR ((b‐complex) AND (with) AND (b‐12)) OR
((optilets‐500)) OR ((vitabee) AND (with) AND (c)) OR
((nutrifac) AND (zx)) OR ((thera)) OR ((dexfol)) OR ((garfield) AND
(vitamins)) OR ((animal) AND (shape) AND (vitamins)) OR ((zymacap)) OR
((one) AND (tab) AND (daily)) OR ((menopause) AND (relief) AND (with)
AND (lifenol)) OR ((stress) AND (formula)) OR ((cernevit‐12)) OR
((vitamin) AND (b+c)) OR ((essential) AND (balance)) OR ((prostate)
AND (2.4)) OR ((metanx)) OR ((super) AND (b‐50)) OR ((infuvite)
AND (pediatric)) OR ((b‐50) AND (balanced)) OR ((land) AND
(before) AND (time) AND (children's) AND (with) AND (vitamin) AND
(c)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐100) AND (time) AND (released) AND
(high) AND (potency) AND (caplets)) OR ((pyridoxine) AND
(cyanocobalamin) AND (folic) AND (acid)) OR ((folbic)))"
"sort": [{{@SORTQUERY}}],
"facets": {{@FACETQUERY}}


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To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
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On Monday, May 20, 2013 6:22:34 PM UTC+8, Maria John Franklin wrote:

Hi Friends,

  Elastic search Performance is very slow when i add multiple OR 

condition in query string..How to manage that one?


( Discover OR the OR concepts OR and OR experiments OR that OR
define OR the OR fields OR of OR genetics OR molecular .....etc)


Hi simonw,
This is not Patent Search..But my functionality is also same like
patent search.


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "elasticsearch" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
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Le mardi 28 mai 2013 15:04:46 UTC+2, simonw a écrit :

filters won't help here. Can you provide some info how slow the query is?
I mean what is the usecase for this query, are you doing patent searches? I
really can't see how can make this fast really. The only think I can think
of is to change the structure entirely but without usecase hard to tell.

Why filter won't help? I'm wondering if scoring for this type of query can
have a noticeable cost


On Tuesday, May 28, 2013 2:23:01 PM UTC+2, Nicolas Labrot wrote:

You shoud try to use filter instead of query. I don't think a score is
relevant with this type of query.

On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Maria John Franklin <> wrote:

On Monday, May 20, 2013 6:22:34 PM UTC+8, Maria John Franklin wrote:

Hi Friends,

  Elastic search Performance is very slow when i add multiple OR 

condition in query string..How to manage that one?


( Discover OR the OR concepts OR and OR **experiments OR that OR
define OR the OR **fields OR of OR genetics OR molecular .....etc)


Hi Simonw,
This is my exact query..How to increase performance in this query?

"from": 0,
"size": 10,
"fields" :["test","test1","test2","**test3","test4"],
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"query_string": {
"query": "(((ascorbic) AND (acid,) AND (folic) AND (acid,) AND
(niacin,) AND (thiamine,) AND (riboflavin,) AND (pyridoxine,) AND
(cyanocobalamin,) AND (pantothenic) AND (acid,) AND (biotin)) OR
((nephrocaps)) OR ((multivitamin)) OR ((folbee)) OR ((vitamin) AND b
AND (complex) AND (injectable)) OR ((therems)) OR ((rena‐vite)
AND (rx)) OR ((unicap)) OR ((1000) AND (bc)) OR ((lipotriad)) OR
((vitamin) AND b AND (complex)) OR ((vitamin) AND (b‐100) AND
(t/r)) OR ((bee‐comp) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((folmor)) OR
((nephro‐vite)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐150)) OR
((vita‐ret) AND (500)) OR ((neuroforte‐six)) OR
((poly‐vi‐sol) AND (drops)) OR ((tri‐vi‐sol)) OR
((super) AND (b‐100) AND (td)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐100))
OR ((m.v.i.‐12)) OR ((foltx)) OR ((nephrolan) AND (rx)) OR
((cod) AND (liver) AND (oil)) OR ((baby) AND (vitamin) AND (drop)) OR
((equaline) AND (one) AND (daily) AND (essential)) OR ((lipogen)) OR
((triphro)) OR ((formula) AND (b)) OR ((poly‐vi‐sol)) OR
((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((liponol)) OR
((hexavitamin)) OR ((cholinoid)) OR ((one‐a‐day) AND (50+))
OR ((high) AND b AND (complex)) OR ((cerefolin)) OR ((vitamin) AND
(c,) AND (e,) AND (rose) AND (hips)) OR ((cholidase)) OR ((poly) AND
(vit) AND (drops)) OR ((sunkist) AND (child) AND (chewable)) OR
((nephronex)) OR ((alz‐nac)) OR ((dialyvite) AND (800)) OR
((beminal‐500)) OR ((cardiotek‐rx)) OR ((poly‐vita)
AND (drops)) OR ((reno) AND (caps)) OR ((stresstabs)) OR ((primaplex))
OR ((becomject‐100)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐100) AND (high)
AND (potency) AND (caplets)) OR ((super) AND (aytinal) AND (for) AND
(active) AND (adults)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND (with)
AND (vitamin) AND (c)) OR ((vitamin) AND (b‐plex)) OR
((vi‐daylin) AND (adc)) OR ((neurodep)) OR ((unicap) AND
(capsule)) OR ((fruity) AND (chew)) OR ((folcaps)) OR ((folbee) AND
(ar)) OR ((biotin) AND (forte)) OR ((nephplex) AND (rx)) OR
((protegra)) OR ((poly‐vit) AND (chew)) OR ((vitamin) AND
(b‐100)) OR ((vitamins) AND (for) AND (hair)) OR ((vicam)) OR
((renatabs)) OR ((fabb)) OR ((rena‐vite)) OR ((infuvite)) OR
((cota‐b‐plex)) OR ((poly) AND (vit) AND (with) AND
(infant) AND (drop)) OR ((vitacirc‐b)) OR ((nephrocaps) AND
(qt)) OR ((l‐methyl‐b6‐b12)) OR ((bounty) AND (bear)
AND (vitamins)) OR ((folic) AND (acid/vitamin) AND b AND
(complex/vitamin) AND (c)) OR ((mega) AND (b)) OR ((vitamin) AND
(liquid)) OR ((tri‐vit) AND (drops)) OR ((vitamin) AND (a) AND
d AND (softgels)) OR ((apatate)) OR ((high) AND (potency) AND (b+c))
OR ((t‐vites)) OR ((b‐plex)) OR ((combgen)) OR
((vita‐respa)) OR ((folamin)) OR ((foltrate)) OR ((stress) AND b
AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((l‐methylfolate) AND (ca,) AND
(me‐cbl) AND (nac)) OR ((surbex)) OR ((triveen‐cf)) OR
((renaphro)) OR ((one‐a‐day) AND (essentials)) OR
((sunkist) AND (child) AND (chewable) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((one)
AND (daily)) OR ((vesselvite)) OR ((b‐ject) AND (100)) OR
((enfolast‐n)) OR ((folbee) AND (plus)) OR ((folastin)) OR
((therobec)) OR ((theragenerix)) OR ((megaton)) OR ((tri‐vit)) OR
((enfolast)) OR ((dialyvite) AND (rx)) OR ((renal) AND (caps)) OR
((b‐plex) AND (plus)) OR ((tri‐vita) AND (drops)) OR
((vi‐stress)) OR ((d‐400) AND (international) AND (units))
OR ((tab‐a‐vite)) OR ((b) AND (complex)) OR
((vol‐care) AND (rx)) OR ((folast)) OR ((protegra) AND (cardio))
OR ((folic) AND (acid/cyanocobalamin/pyridoxine) AND (hydrochloride)) OR
((vita) AND (drop)) OR ((vitamin) AND (a,) AND (d)) OR
((rovin‐cf)) OR ((apetigen)) OR ((folbalin)) OR
((key‐plex)) OR ((b‐scorbic)) OR ((surbex‐t)) OR
((cardiotek)) OR ((multiple) AND (vitamins) AND (essentials)) OR
((vitaplex)) OR ((morplex)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐50)) OR
((folplex)) OR ((glutofac)) OR ((cardiotek) AND (rx)) OR ((oncovite))
OR ((surbex) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((vi‐daylin) AND (drops)) OR
((scotts) AND (emulsion)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND
(with) AND (vitamin) AND (c) AND (b12)) OR ((cod) AND (liver) AND
(oil) AND (mint)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND (with) AND
(b12)) OR ((lipoflavonoid)) OR ((neurpath‐b)) OR
((b‐complex) AND (50)) OR ((foltabs) AND (800)) OR
((therapeutic) AND (vitamins)) OR ((folbalin) AND (plus)) OR
((allbee‐c) AND (800)) OR ((allbee‐c)) OR ((zycose)) OR
((diatx)) OR ((theragran)) OR ((sesame) AND (st.) AND (vitamins) AND
(with) AND (extra) AND (c)) OR ((folgard) AND ((obsolete))) OR
((nephrocaps)) OR ((multivitamin)) OR ((flintstones) AND
(multivitamins)) OR ((folgard) AND (rx)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND
(complex) AND (100)) OR ((cefol)) OR ((super) AND b AND (complex) AND
(with) AND (c)) OR ((flintstones) AND (with) AND c AND
(multivitamins)) OR ((tl) AND (gard)) OR ((daily) AND (multiple) AND
(vitamins)) OR ((superplex‐t)) OR ((foleve)) OR ((thex) AND
(forte)) OR ((m.v.i.) AND (pediatric)) OR ((vigomar) AND (forte)) OR
((super) AND (plenamins)) OR ((ivites) AND (rx)) OR ((multi) AND
(vits) AND (with) AND (beta) AND (carotene)) OR ((allantex)) OR
((foleve) AND (plus)) OR ((b) AND (complex) AND (50)) OR
((nephro‐vite) AND (rx)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND
(t/r)) OR ((dayalets)) OR ((b‐complex)) OR ((cerefolinnac)) OR
((niafol)) OR ((folbic)) OR ((super) AND (aytinal) AND (50) AND
(plus)) OR ((farbee) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((garfield) AND
(vitamins) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((b) AND (100) AND (complex)) OR
((sigtab)) OR ((vimar)) OR ((folnate) AND (plus)) OR
((daily‐vite) AND (men's) AND (formula)) OR ((cernevit)) OR
((l‐methylfolate) AND (ca,) AND (p‐5‐p,) AND
(me‐cbl)) OR ((vi‐daylin) AND (chewable)) OR ((mtx) AND
(support)) OR ((may‐vita)) OR ((stress) AND (formula) AND (600))
OR ((bee) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((child) AND (circus)) OR
((berocca)) OR ((stress) AND (formula) AND (caplets)) OR
((thera‐plus)) OR ((daily) AND (vite)) OR ((multi‐delyn))
OR ((m.v.c.) AND (sdv)) OR ((kenwood) AND (therapeutic)) OR
((b‐complex) AND (sr)) OR ((folplex) AND (2.2)) OR ((vitamin)
AND (daily) AND (liquid)) OR ((bugs) AND (bunny) AND (with) AND
(extra) AND (c)) OR ((folnate)) OR ((b‐50) AND (complex)) OR
((therapeutic) AND (b+c)) OR ((children's) AND (chewable) AND
(multivitamins)) OR ((theravite)) OR ((vitamin) AND (b‐50)) OR
((high) AND (potency) AND b AND (complex) AND (with) AND (b12) AND
(c)) OR ((nufol)) OR ((m.v.i.) AND (adult)) OR
((one‐a‐day) AND (men's) AND (health) AND (formula)) OR
((b‐stress)) OR ((chewable) AND (vitamins)) OR
((uni‐daily)) OR ((folgard) AND (rx) AND (2.2)) OR
((vi‐daylin)) OR ((super) AND b AND (complex)) OR ((apetex)) OR
((unicap) AND (jr.)) OR ((chewable‐vite)) OR ((multi‐day))
OR ((b‐complex) AND (with) AND (b‐12)) OR
((optilets‐500)) OR ((vitabee) AND (with) AND (c)) OR
((nutrifac) AND (zx)) OR ((thera)) OR ((dexfol)) OR ((garfield) AND
(vitamins)) OR ((animal) AND (shape) AND (vitamins)) OR ((zymacap)) OR
((one) AND (tab) AND (daily)) OR ((menopause) AND (relief) AND (with)
AND (lifenol)) OR ((stress) AND (formula)) OR ((cernevit‐12)) OR
((vitamin) AND (b+c)) OR ((essential) AND (balance)) OR ((prostate)
AND (2.4)) OR ((metanx)) OR ((super) AND (b‐50)) OR ((infuvite)
AND (pediatric)) OR ((b‐50) AND (balanced)) OR ((land) AND
(before) AND (time) AND (children's) AND (with) AND (vitamin) AND
(c)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐100) AND (time) AND (released) AND
(high) AND (potency) AND (caplets)) OR ((pyridoxine) AND
(cyanocobalamin) AND (folic) AND (acid)) OR ((folbic)))"
"cutoff_frequency" : 0.001
"sort": [{{@SORTQUERY}}],
"facets": {{@FACETQUERY}}


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Groups "elasticsearch" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
an email to
For more options, visit

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "elasticsearch" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
For more options, visit

On Wednesday, May 29, 2013 8:33:26 AM UTC+2, Nicolas Labrot wrote:

Le mardi 28 mai 2013 15:04:46 UTC+2, simonw a écrit :

filters won't help here. Can you provide some info how slow the query is?
I mean what is the usecase for this query, are you doing patent searches? I
really can't see how can make this fast really. The only think I can think
of is to change the structure entirely but without usecase hard to tell.

Why filter won't help? I'm wondering if scoring for this type of query can
have a noticeable cost

as you say the only thing you safe here is the score but this is not
making it massively faster



On Tuesday, May 28, 2013 2:23:01 PM UTC+2, Nicolas Labrot wrote:

You shoud try to use filter instead of query. I don't think a score is
relevant with this type of query.

On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Maria John Franklin <> wrote:

On Monday, May 20, 2013 6:22:34 PM UTC+8, Maria John Franklin wrote:

Hi Friends,

  Elastic search Performance is very slow when i add multiple OR 

condition in query string..How to manage that one?


( Discover OR the OR concepts OR and OR **experiments OR that OR
define OR the OR **fields OR of OR genetics OR molecular .....etc)


Hi Simonw,
This is my exact query..How to increase performance in this query?

"from": 0,
"size": 10,
"fields" :["test","test1","test2","**test3","test4"],
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"query_string": {
"query": "(((ascorbic) AND (acid,) AND (folic) AND (acid,) AND
(niacin,) AND (thiamine,) AND (riboflavin,) AND (pyridoxine,) AND
(cyanocobalamin,) AND (pantothenic) AND (acid,) AND (biotin)) OR
((nephrocaps)) OR ((multivitamin)) OR ((folbee)) OR ((vitamin) AND b
AND (complex) AND (injectable)) OR ((therems)) OR ((rena‐vite)
AND (rx)) OR ((unicap)) OR ((1000) AND (bc)) OR ((lipotriad)) OR
((vitamin) AND b AND (complex)) OR ((vitamin) AND (b‐100) AND
(t/r)) OR ((bee‐comp) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((folmor)) OR
((nephro‐vite)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐150)) OR
((vita‐ret) AND (500)) OR ((neuroforte‐six)) OR
((poly‐vi‐sol) AND (drops)) OR ((tri‐vi‐sol)) OR
((super) AND (b‐100) AND (td)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐100))
OR ((m.v.i.‐12)) OR ((foltx)) OR ((nephrolan) AND (rx)) OR
((cod) AND (liver) AND (oil)) OR ((baby) AND (vitamin) AND (drop)) OR
((equaline) AND (one) AND (daily) AND (essential)) OR ((lipogen)) OR
((triphro)) OR ((formula) AND (b)) OR ((poly‐vi‐sol)) OR
((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((liponol)) OR
((hexavitamin)) OR ((cholinoid)) OR ((one‐a‐day) AND (50+))
OR ((high) AND b AND (complex)) OR ((cerefolin)) OR ((vitamin) AND
(c,) AND (e,) AND (rose) AND (hips)) OR ((cholidase)) OR ((poly) AND
(vit) AND (drops)) OR ((sunkist) AND (child) AND (chewable)) OR
((nephronex)) OR ((alz‐nac)) OR ((dialyvite) AND (800)) OR
((beminal‐500)) OR ((cardiotek‐rx)) OR ((poly‐vita)
AND (drops)) OR ((reno) AND (caps)) OR ((stresstabs)) OR ((primaplex))
OR ((becomject‐100)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐100) AND (high)
AND (potency) AND (caplets)) OR ((super) AND (aytinal) AND (for) AND
(active) AND (adults)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND (with)
AND (vitamin) AND (c)) OR ((vitamin) AND (b‐plex)) OR
((vi‐daylin) AND (adc)) OR ((neurodep)) OR ((unicap) AND
(capsule)) OR ((fruity) AND (chew)) OR ((folcaps)) OR ((folbee) AND
(ar)) OR ((biotin) AND (forte)) OR ((nephplex) AND (rx)) OR
((protegra)) OR ((poly‐vit) AND (chew)) OR ((vitamin) AND
(b‐100)) OR ((vitamins) AND (for) AND (hair)) OR ((vicam)) OR
((renatabs)) OR ((fabb)) OR ((rena‐vite)) OR ((infuvite)) OR
((cota‐b‐plex)) OR ((poly) AND (vit) AND (with) AND
(infant) AND (drop)) OR ((vitacirc‐b)) OR ((nephrocaps) AND
(qt)) OR ((l‐methyl‐b6‐b12)) OR ((bounty) AND (bear)
AND (vitamins)) OR ((folic) AND (acid/vitamin) AND b AND
(complex/vitamin) AND (c)) OR ((mega) AND (b)) OR ((vitamin) AND
(liquid)) OR ((tri‐vit) AND (drops)) OR ((vitamin) AND (a) AND
d AND (softgels)) OR ((apatate)) OR ((high) AND (potency) AND (b+c))
OR ((t‐vites)) OR ((b‐plex)) OR ((combgen)) OR
((vita‐respa)) OR ((folamin)) OR ((foltrate)) OR ((stress) AND b
AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((l‐methylfolate) AND (ca,) AND
(me‐cbl) AND (nac)) OR ((surbex)) OR ((triveen‐cf)) OR
((renaphro)) OR ((one‐a‐day) AND (essentials)) OR
((sunkist) AND (child) AND (chewable) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((one)
AND (daily)) OR ((vesselvite)) OR ((b‐ject) AND (100)) OR
((enfolast‐n)) OR ((folbee) AND (plus)) OR ((folastin)) OR
((therobec)) OR ((theragenerix)) OR ((megaton)) OR ((tri‐vit)) OR
((enfolast)) OR ((dialyvite) AND (rx)) OR ((renal) AND (caps)) OR
((b‐plex) AND (plus)) OR ((tri‐vita) AND (drops)) OR
((vi‐stress)) OR ((d‐400) AND (international) AND (units))
OR ((tab‐a‐vite)) OR ((b) AND (complex)) OR
((vol‐care) AND (rx)) OR ((folast)) OR ((protegra) AND (cardio))
OR ((folic) AND (acid/cyanocobalamin/pyridoxine) AND (hydrochloride)) OR
((vita) AND (drop)) OR ((vitamin) AND (a,) AND (d)) OR
((rovin‐cf)) OR ((apetigen)) OR ((folbalin)) OR
((key‐plex)) OR ((b‐scorbic)) OR ((surbex‐t)) OR
((cardiotek)) OR ((multiple) AND (vitamins) AND (essentials)) OR
((vitaplex)) OR ((morplex)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐50)) OR
((folplex)) OR ((glutofac)) OR ((cardiotek) AND (rx)) OR ((oncovite))
OR ((surbex) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((vi‐daylin) AND (drops)) OR
((scotts) AND (emulsion)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND
(with) AND (vitamin) AND (c) AND (b12)) OR ((cod) AND (liver) AND
(oil) AND (mint)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND (with) AND
(b12)) OR ((lipoflavonoid)) OR ((neurpath‐b)) OR
((b‐complex) AND (50)) OR ((foltabs) AND (800)) OR
((therapeutic) AND (vitamins)) OR ((folbalin) AND (plus)) OR
((allbee‐c) AND (800)) OR ((allbee‐c)) OR ((zycose)) OR
((diatx)) OR ((theragran)) OR ((sesame) AND (st.) AND (vitamins) AND
(with) AND (extra) AND (c)) OR ((folgard) AND ((obsolete))) OR
((nephrocaps)) OR ((multivitamin)) OR ((flintstones) AND
(multivitamins)) OR ((folgard) AND (rx)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND
(complex) AND (100)) OR ((cefol)) OR ((super) AND b AND (complex) AND
(with) AND (c)) OR ((flintstones) AND (with) AND c AND
(multivitamins)) OR ((tl) AND (gard)) OR ((daily) AND (multiple) AND
(vitamins)) OR ((superplex‐t)) OR ((foleve)) OR ((thex) AND
(forte)) OR ((m.v.i.) AND (pediatric)) OR ((vigomar) AND (forte)) OR
((super) AND (plenamins)) OR ((ivites) AND (rx)) OR ((multi) AND
(vits) AND (with) AND (beta) AND (carotene)) OR ((allantex)) OR
((foleve) AND (plus)) OR ((b) AND (complex) AND (50)) OR
((nephro‐vite) AND (rx)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND
(t/r)) OR ((dayalets)) OR ((b‐complex)) OR ((cerefolinnac)) OR
((niafol)) OR ((folbic)) OR ((super) AND (aytinal) AND (50) AND
(plus)) OR ((farbee) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((garfield) AND
(vitamins) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((b) AND (100) AND (complex)) OR
((sigtab)) OR ((vimar)) OR ((folnate) AND (plus)) OR
((daily‐vite) AND (men's) AND (formula)) OR ((cernevit)) OR
((l‐methylfolate) AND (ca,) AND (p‐5‐p,) AND
(me‐cbl)) OR ((vi‐daylin) AND (chewable)) OR ((mtx) AND
(support)) OR ((may‐vita)) OR ((stress) AND (formula) AND (600))
OR ((bee) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((child) AND (circus)) OR
((berocca)) OR ((stress) AND (formula) AND (caplets)) OR
((thera‐plus)) OR ((daily) AND (vite)) OR ((multi‐delyn))
OR ((m.v.c.) AND (sdv)) OR ((kenwood) AND (therapeutic)) OR
((b‐complex) AND (sr)) OR ((folplex) AND (2.2)) OR ((vitamin)
AND (daily) AND (liquid)) OR ((bugs) AND (bunny) AND (with) AND
(extra) AND (c)) OR ((folnate)) OR ((b‐50) AND (complex)) OR
((therapeutic) AND (b+c)) OR ((children's) AND (chewable) AND
(multivitamins)) OR ((theravite)) OR ((vitamin) AND (b‐50)) OR
((high) AND (potency) AND b AND (complex) AND (with) AND (b12) AND
(c)) OR ((nufol)) OR ((m.v.i.) AND (adult)) OR
((one‐a‐day) AND (men's) AND (health) AND (formula)) OR
((b‐stress)) OR ((chewable) AND (vitamins)) OR
((uni‐daily)) OR ((folgard) AND (rx) AND (2.2)) OR
((vi‐daylin)) OR ((super) AND b AND (complex)) OR ((apetex)) OR
((unicap) AND (jr.)) OR ((chewable‐vite)) OR ((multi‐day))
OR ((b‐complex) AND (with) AND (b‐12)) OR
((optilets‐500)) OR ((vitabee) AND (with) AND (c)) OR
((nutrifac) AND (zx)) OR ((thera)) OR ((dexfol)) OR ((garfield) AND
(vitamins)) OR ((animal) AND (shape) AND (vitamins)) OR ((zymacap)) OR
((one) AND (tab) AND (daily)) OR ((menopause) AND (relief) AND (with)
AND (lifenol)) OR ((stress) AND (formula)) OR ((cernevit‐12)) OR
((vitamin) AND (b+c)) OR ((essential) AND (balance)) OR ((prostate)
AND (2.4)) OR ((metanx)) OR ((super) AND (b‐50)) OR ((infuvite)
AND (pediatric)) OR ((b‐50) AND (balanced)) OR ((land) AND
(before) AND (time) AND (children's) AND (with) AND (vitamin) AND
(c)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐100) AND (time) AND (released) AND
(high) AND (potency) AND (caplets)) OR ((pyridoxine) AND
(cyanocobalamin) AND (folic) AND (acid)) OR ((folbic)))"
"cutoff_frequency" : 0.001
"sort": [{{@SORTQUERY}}],
"facets": {{@FACETQUERY}}


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On Wednesday, May 29, 2013 7:34:20 PM UTC+8, simonw wrote:

On Wednesday, May 29, 2013 8:33:26 AM UTC+2, Nicolas Labrot wrote:

Le mardi 28 mai 2013 15:04:46 UTC+2, simonw a écrit :

filters won't help here. Can you provide some info how slow the query
is? I mean what is the usecase for this query, are you doing patent
searches? I really can't see how can make this fast really. The only think
I can think of is to change the structure entirely but without usecase hard
to tell.

Why filter won't help? I'm wondering if scoring for this type of query
can have a noticeable cost

as you say the only thing you safe here is the score but this is not
making it massively faster



On Tuesday, May 28, 2013 2:23:01 PM UTC+2, Nicolas Labrot wrote:

You shoud try to use filter instead of query. I don't think a score is
relevant with this type of query.

On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 1:22 PM, Maria John Franklin <> wrote:

On Monday, May 20, 2013 6:22:34 PM UTC+8, Maria John Franklin wrote:

Hi Friends,

  Elastic search Performance is very slow when i add multiple OR 

condition in query string..How to manage that one?


( Discover OR the OR concepts OR and OR **experiments OR that
OR define OR the OR **fields OR of OR genetics OR molecular


Hi Simonw,
This is my exact query..How to increase performance in this query?

"from": 0,
"size": 10,
"fields" :["test","test1","test2","**test3","test4"],
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"query_string": {
"query": "(((ascorbic) AND (acid,) AND (folic) AND (acid,) AND
(niacin,) AND (thiamine,) AND (riboflavin,) AND (pyridoxine,) AND
(cyanocobalamin,) AND (pantothenic) AND (acid,) AND (biotin)) OR
((nephrocaps)) OR ((multivitamin)) OR ((folbee)) OR ((vitamin) AND b
AND (complex) AND (injectable)) OR ((therems)) OR ((rena‐vite)
AND (rx)) OR ((unicap)) OR ((1000) AND (bc)) OR ((lipotriad)) OR
((vitamin) AND b AND (complex)) OR ((vitamin) AND (b‐100) AND
(t/r)) OR ((bee‐comp) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((folmor)) OR
((nephro‐vite)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐150)) OR
((vita‐ret) AND (500)) OR ((neuroforte‐six)) OR
((poly‐vi‐sol) AND (drops)) OR ((tri‐vi‐sol)) OR
((super) AND (b‐100) AND (td)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐100))
OR ((m.v.i.‐12)) OR ((foltx)) OR ((nephrolan) AND (rx)) OR
((cod) AND (liver) AND (oil)) OR ((baby) AND (vitamin) AND (drop)) OR
((equaline) AND (one) AND (daily) AND (essential)) OR ((lipogen)) OR
((triphro)) OR ((formula) AND (b)) OR ((poly‐vi‐sol)) OR
((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((liponol)) OR
((hexavitamin)) OR ((cholinoid)) OR ((one‐a‐day) AND (50+))
OR ((high) AND b AND (complex)) OR ((cerefolin)) OR ((vitamin) AND
(c,) AND (e,) AND (rose) AND (hips)) OR ((cholidase)) OR ((poly) AND
(vit) AND (drops)) OR ((sunkist) AND (child) AND (chewable)) OR
((nephronex)) OR ((alz‐nac)) OR ((dialyvite) AND (800)) OR
((beminal‐500)) OR ((cardiotek‐rx)) OR ((poly‐vita)
AND (drops)) OR ((reno) AND (caps)) OR ((stresstabs)) OR ((primaplex))
OR ((becomject‐100)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐100) AND (high)
AND (potency) AND (caplets)) OR ((super) AND (aytinal) AND (for) AND
(active) AND (adults)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND (with)
AND (vitamin) AND (c)) OR ((vitamin) AND (b‐plex)) OR
((vi‐daylin) AND (adc)) OR ((neurodep)) OR ((unicap) AND
(capsule)) OR ((fruity) AND (chew)) OR ((folcaps)) OR ((folbee) AND
(ar)) OR ((biotin) AND (forte)) OR ((nephplex) AND (rx)) OR
((protegra)) OR ((poly‐vit) AND (chew)) OR ((vitamin) AND
(b‐100)) OR ((vitamins) AND (for) AND (hair)) OR ((vicam)) OR
((renatabs)) OR ((fabb)) OR ((rena‐vite)) OR ((infuvite)) OR
((cota‐b‐plex)) OR ((poly) AND (vit) AND (with) AND
(infant) AND (drop)) OR ((vitacirc‐b)) OR ((nephrocaps) AND
(qt)) OR ((l‐methyl‐b6‐b12)) OR ((bounty) AND (bear)
AND (vitamins)) OR ((folic) AND (acid/vitamin) AND b AND
(complex/vitamin) AND (c)) OR ((mega) AND (b)) OR ((vitamin) AND
(liquid)) OR ((tri‐vit) AND (drops)) OR ((vitamin) AND (a) AND
d AND (softgels)) OR ((apatate)) OR ((high) AND (potency) AND (b+c))
OR ((t‐vites)) OR ((b‐plex)) OR ((combgen)) OR
((vita‐respa)) OR ((folamin)) OR ((foltrate)) OR ((stress) AND b
AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((l‐methylfolate) AND (ca,) AND
(me‐cbl) AND (nac)) OR ((surbex)) OR ((triveen‐cf)) OR
((renaphro)) OR ((one‐a‐day) AND (essentials)) OR
((sunkist) AND (child) AND (chewable) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((one)
AND (daily)) OR ((vesselvite)) OR ((b‐ject) AND (100)) OR
((enfolast‐n)) OR ((folbee) AND (plus)) OR ((folastin)) OR
((therobec)) OR ((theragenerix)) OR ((megaton)) OR ((tri‐vit)) OR
((enfolast)) OR ((dialyvite) AND (rx)) OR ((renal) AND (caps)) OR
((b‐plex) AND (plus)) OR ((tri‐vita) AND (drops)) OR
((vi‐stress)) OR ((d‐400) AND (international) AND (units))
OR ((tab‐a‐vite)) OR ((b) AND (complex)) OR
((vol‐care) AND (rx)) OR ((folast)) OR ((protegra) AND (cardio))
OR ((folic) AND (acid/cyanocobalamin/pyridoxine) AND (hydrochloride)) OR
((vita) AND (drop)) OR ((vitamin) AND (a,) AND (d)) OR
((rovin‐cf)) OR ((apetigen)) OR ((folbalin)) OR
((key‐plex)) OR ((b‐scorbic)) OR ((surbex‐t)) OR
((cardiotek)) OR ((multiple) AND (vitamins) AND (essentials)) OR
((vitaplex)) OR ((morplex)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐50)) OR
((folplex)) OR ((glutofac)) OR ((cardiotek) AND (rx)) OR ((oncovite))
OR ((surbex) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((vi‐daylin) AND (drops)) OR
((scotts) AND (emulsion)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND
(with) AND (vitamin) AND (c) AND (b12)) OR ((cod) AND (liver) AND
(oil) AND (mint)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND (with) AND
(b12)) OR ((lipoflavonoid)) OR ((neurpath‐b)) OR
((b‐complex) AND (50)) OR ((foltabs) AND (800)) OR
((therapeutic) AND (vitamins)) OR ((folbalin) AND (plus)) OR
((allbee‐c) AND (800)) OR ((allbee‐c)) OR ((zycose)) OR
((diatx)) OR ((theragran)) OR ((sesame) AND (st.) AND (vitamins) AND
(with) AND (extra) AND (c)) OR ((folgard) AND ((obsolete))) OR
((nephrocaps)) OR ((multivitamin)) OR ((flintstones) AND
(multivitamins)) OR ((folgard) AND (rx)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND
(complex) AND (100)) OR ((cefol)) OR ((super) AND b AND (complex) AND
(with) AND (c)) OR ((flintstones) AND (with) AND c AND
(multivitamins)) OR ((tl) AND (gard)) OR ((daily) AND (multiple) AND
(vitamins)) OR ((superplex‐t)) OR ((foleve)) OR ((thex) AND
(forte)) OR ((m.v.i.) AND (pediatric)) OR ((vigomar) AND (forte)) OR
((super) AND (plenamins)) OR ((ivites) AND (rx)) OR ((multi) AND
(vits) AND (with) AND (beta) AND (carotene)) OR ((allantex)) OR
((foleve) AND (plus)) OR ((b) AND (complex) AND (50)) OR
((nephro‐vite) AND (rx)) OR ((vitamin) AND b AND (complex) AND
(t/r)) OR ((dayalets)) OR ((b‐complex)) OR ((cerefolinnac)) OR
((niafol)) OR ((folbic)) OR ((super) AND (aytinal) AND (50) AND
(plus)) OR ((farbee) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((garfield) AND
(vitamins) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((b) AND (100) AND (complex)) OR
((sigtab)) OR ((vimar)) OR ((folnate) AND (plus)) OR
((daily‐vite) AND (men's) AND (formula)) OR ((cernevit)) OR
((l‐methylfolate) AND (ca,) AND (p‐5‐p,) AND
(me‐cbl)) OR ((vi‐daylin) AND (chewable)) OR ((mtx) AND
(support)) OR ((may‐vita)) OR ((stress) AND (formula) AND (600))
OR ((bee) AND (with) AND (c)) OR ((child) AND (circus)) OR
((berocca)) OR ((stress) AND (formula) AND (caplets)) OR
((thera‐plus)) OR ((daily) AND (vite)) OR ((multi‐delyn))
OR ((m.v.c.) AND (sdv)) OR ((kenwood) AND (therapeutic)) OR
((b‐complex) AND (sr)) OR ((folplex) AND (2.2)) OR ((vitamin)
AND (daily) AND (liquid)) OR ((bugs) AND (bunny) AND (with) AND
(extra) AND (c)) OR ((folnate)) OR ((b‐50) AND (complex)) OR
((therapeutic) AND (b+c)) OR ((children's) AND (chewable) AND
(multivitamins)) OR ((theravite)) OR ((vitamin) AND (b‐50)) OR
((high) AND (potency) AND b AND (complex) AND (with) AND (b12) AND
(c)) OR ((nufol)) OR ((m.v.i.) AND (adult)) OR
((one‐a‐day) AND (men's) AND (health) AND (formula)) OR
((b‐stress)) OR ((chewable) AND (vitamins)) OR
((uni‐daily)) OR ((folgard) AND (rx) AND (2.2)) OR
((vi‐daylin)) OR ((super) AND b AND (complex)) OR ((apetex)) OR
((unicap) AND (jr.)) OR ((chewable‐vite)) OR ((multi‐day))
OR ((b‐complex) AND (with) AND (b‐12)) OR
((optilets‐500)) OR ((vitabee) AND (with) AND (c)) OR
((nutrifac) AND (zx)) OR ((thera)) OR ((dexfol)) OR ((garfield) AND
(vitamins)) OR ((animal) AND (shape) AND (vitamins)) OR ((zymacap)) OR
((one) AND (tab) AND (daily)) OR ((menopause) AND (relief) AND (with)
AND (lifenol)) OR ((stress) AND (formula)) OR ((cernevit‐12)) OR
((vitamin) AND (b+c)) OR ((essential) AND (balance)) OR ((prostate)
AND (2.4)) OR ((metanx)) OR ((super) AND (b‐50)) OR ((infuvite)
AND (pediatric)) OR ((b‐50) AND (balanced)) OR ((land) AND
(before) AND (time) AND (children's) AND (with) AND (vitamin) AND
(c)) OR ((balanced) AND (b‐100) AND (time) AND (released) AND
(high) AND (potency) AND (caplets)) OR ((pyridoxine) AND
(cyanocobalamin) AND (folic) AND (acid)) OR ((folbic)))"
"cutoff_frequency" : 0.001
"sort": [{{@SORTQUERY}}],
"facets": {{@FACETQUERY}}


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     Hi simonw,
             then how can i handle this one? Any idea?


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