Search_phase_execution_exception in partitioned terms aggregation

I have an index which contains millions of documents that I want to aggregate.

This is the query I am using to obtain the aggregated results.

aggs = {
                "0": {
                    "terms": {
                        "field": "source.ip",
                        "order": {
                            "_count": "desc"
                        "include": {
                            "partition": i,
                            "num_partitions": nr_partitions

                        "size": 1000
                    "aggs": {
                        "1": {
                            "terms": {
                                "field": "destination.ip",
                                "order": {
                                    "_count": "desc"
                                "size": 1000
                            "aggs": {
                                "2": {
                                    "terms": {
                                        "field": "destination.port",
                                        "order": {
                                            "_count": "desc"
                                        "size": 1000
                                    "aggs": {
                                        "3": {
                                            "terms": {
                                                "field": "",
                                                "missing": "N/A",
                                                "order": {
                                                    "_count": "desc"
                                                "size": 1000
                                            "aggs": {
                                                "4": {
                                                    "terms": {
                                                        "field": "",
                                                        "missing": "N/A",
                                                        "order": {
                                                            "_count": "desc"
                                                        "size": 1000
                                                    "aggs": {
                                                        "5": {
                                                            "terms": {
                                                                "field": "",
                                                                "missing": "N/A",
                                                                "order": {
                                                                    "_count": "desc"
                                                                "size": 1000
                                                            "aggs": {
                                                                "6": {
                                                                    "terms": {
                                                                        "field": "",
                                                                        "missing": "N/A",
                                                                        "order": {
                                                                            "_count": "desc"
                                                                        "size": 1000
                                                                    "aggs": {
                                                                        "7": {
                                                                            "terms": {
                                                                                "field": "",
                                                                                "missing": "N/A",
                                                                                "order": {
                                                                                    "_count": "desc"
                                                                                "size": 1000
                                                                            "aggs": {
                                                                                "8": {
                                                                                    "terms": {
                                                                                        "field": "",
                                                                                        "missing": "N/A",
                                                                                        "order": {
                                                                                            "_count": "desc"
                                                                                        "size": 1000
                                                                                    "aggs": {
                                                                                        "9": {
                                                                                            "terms": {
                                                                                                "field": "url.original",
                                                                                                "missing": "N/A",
                                                                                                "order": {
                                                                                                    "_count": "desc"
                                                                                                "size": 1000
                                                                                            "aggs": {
                                                                                                "11": {
                                                                                                    "sum": {
                                                                                                        "field": "source.packets"
                                                                                                "12": {
                                                                                                    "sum": {
                                                                                                        "field": "destination.packets"
                                                                                                "13": {
                                                                                                    "sum": {
                                                                                                        "field": "source.bytes"
                                                                                                "14": {
                                                                                                    "sum": {
                                                                                                        "field": "destination.bytes"
                                                                                                "15": {
                                                                                                    "avg": {
                                                                                                        "field": "source.packets"
                                                                                                "16": {
                                                                                                    "avg": {
                                                                                                        "field": "destination.packets"
                                                                                                "17": {
                                                                                                    "avg": {
                                                                                                        "field": "source.bytes"
                                                                                                "18": {
                                                                                                    "avg": {
                                                                                                        "field": "destination.bytes"

If there are too many documents in the time range that I am querying for, the API throws search_phase_execution_exception with a 503 status code.

How can I obtain the aggregated results for the millions of documents? I tried increasing the number of partitions, but it still gives the same exception.

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