Search query performance

Hi. I have an index of ~10 million users messages. I need to count all unread messages for one particular user (so I need to count all documents where userId = "SOMEID" and is_read = false). Right now I am using SearchQuery with size = 0 to do it, but I wonder how fast is it? I can have up to 100 such requests per second.

If at some point it becomes too slow you can always increase the number of nodes and the number of replicas to serve more and more searches.

Thanks for your reply, David, but I want to get a theoretical number of such simple requests (written in GO):
queryisRead := elastic.NewTermQuery("is_read", false)
queryMsisdn := elastic.NewTermQuery("msisdn", msisdn)
query := elastic.NewBoolQuery().Must(queryisRead, queryMsisdn)
data, err := cli.Search(index).Query(query).Size(0).Do()

Is there is any available benchmark which can provide at least approximate information about this number?

There's no way to know without testing for real, on production machines, with your dataset, settings, queries.

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