Search Query with Lucene Query issue

Search Query with Lucene Query Syntax

If there are more than 4 OR or AND conditions, it does not work properly.

query : "ten" OR "teen" OR "alask"

query : "ten" OR "teen" OR "alask" OR "hihi" OR "bye"

This looks like a bug which I was able to reproduce. I opened an issue


The logic looks to be that there's an (undocumented) setting that 49% of the ORed terms must be matched. I don't think there's currently a way for you to relax this setting in your requests,


thx, @Mark_Harwood

Is it impossible to adjust later?

The code is unfamiliar to me but looks to allow an override for all search requests. I don't know how sysadmins get to change this though so I'll leave it to a member of the app-search team to respond.

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thank you, @Mark_Harwood

When we input event words, we convert them into multiple words and then weave them with OR, so there are many cases where more than four are combined.

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You could try using brackets to ensure there’s only max 2 clauses in between each bracket pair eg
( A or ( B or ( C or D) ) )

Not tried it and it’s ugly but it might work.