Search term with space on Couchdb River index

Im not getting any results for the search terms which contain spaces.
In my case, the index is built with the couchdb river. The search
works perfectly fine for the terms without spaces. But causing trouble
for terms with spaces.

Im a missing anything here? Should I use any spceical tokenizer/
analyser for searching terms with spaces? If so how to do that for the
couchdb river index?


Can you give an example? By default, the standard analyzer will split on spaces, so, indexing something like: "test me" will be broken to "test" and "me". Then, when searching, if you try and do a term query for "test me", it will not be found since its expect to be found as a single term. On the other hand, if you use field / query_string queries, the same analysis process happens on the searched text as well, so you will find results.
On Monday, December 6, 2010 at 3:21 AM, Selva wrote:

Im not getting any results for the search terms which contain spaces.
In my case, the index is built with the couchdb river. The search
works perfectly fine for the terms without spaces. But causing trouble
for terms with spaces.

Im a missing anything here? Should I use any spceical tokenizer/
analyser for searching terms with spaces? If so how to do that for the
couchdb river index?
