Search text through multiple documents

Hi All,
I have around 3000 documents(these are text documents) that I have indexed in ElasticSearch.
Now I want to retrieve the 5 or 10 best relevant documents on the basis of a particular query(which would be a 1 or 2 sentence query). Now I dont think the full text query search will work for me. Any suggestions on what kind of search I could use for my use-case?


Any example?

Why do you think full text search won't be useful here?

One example that I can think of a query:
"Foo utility is not accessible from XYZ api".

Now our customers write the documents that I want to index. These documents might have a statement written as
"The utility foo could not be accessed from XYZ api".

So Full text search will not work for me, even though I want to return the said document as it matches my query.

I don't understand why it would not work.

I mean that the more terms that match the better. Adding to this phrase matching, synonyms, fuzzy queries and that would probably help.

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