Search, then remove data

I have tried to search for a particular string, and then delete the data that matches. For example, I have an index called 'logstash-2015.04* for all indexes in April. I am trying to search for any part of the message that matches "Error in the RPC receive". I am at a loss at how to accomplish both of these steps. An example I have tried is as such in Postman using POST.

"match_phrase" : {
"message" : "Error in the RPC receive"

But it doesn't respond as I have expect.

Can someone please give me an idea of what would be the best approach to do this?

I have tried to search for a particular string, and then delete the data that matches.

Are you actually interested in obtaining the search results or do you just want to delete all data that matches a query? In the latter case you can just use the delete by query API.

But it doesn't respond as I have expect.

Well, how does it respond? Could you include a complete example of your query instead of just a snippet?

I haven't gotten any real results to share with what I've done. I'm still learning API calls. But what I was using as a search parameter was this: curl -XPOST ''

Here is an example of the raw json message:

{"message":"[ warning] [vmusr:vmusr] Error in the RPC receive loop: RpcIn: Unable to send.\n","@version":"1","@timestamp":"2015-05-06T05:22:45.000Z","host":"","type":"windowsEventLog","logType":"windowsEventLog","EventTime":"2015-05-06 00:22:45","Hostname":"server.local","Keywords":36028797018963970,"EventType":"WARNING","SeverityValue":3,"Severity":"WARNING","EventID":1000,"SourceName":"VMware Tools","Task":0,"RecordNumber":10516558,"ProcessID":0,"ThreadID":0,"Channel":"Application","Domain":"REALTRUCK","AccountName":"User","UserID":"User","AccountType":"User","Opcode":"Info","EventReceivedTime":1430889766,"SourceModuleName":"eventlog","SourceModuleType":"im_msvistalog","receivedAt":"2015-05-06 05:22:46 UTC"}

My intended goal is to search the message for the string "Error in the RPC receive loop", and if the entry contains this text string, delete the entry.

Yes, but are you actually interested in the search results? Or do you just want to delete all matching documents within seeing them one last time?

Just to test, I would like to reveal the results to make sure it is matching the data properly. Then pass a 'curl -XDELETE' to get rid of the data.

Okay, so do a normal query first and then post the same query as a delete by query request. You said previously that you ran

curl -XPOST '

but I don't get what the "1=" part came from. This should work for you:

curl -XPOST '"Error%20in%20the%20RPC%20receive"'

See the URI search documentation. You could of course use the query DSL instead. Once you've verified that you'd be deleting the right documents, change POST to DELETE.