Search times out and incurs high CPU

Our es node is experiencing a search performance problem. A single search query to es (with no other load) could easily time out (30s) and the CPU can go > 100%. Is it because of the hardware problem? Here are some infos.

ES setup:
ES version: 5.2.2
Nodes: 1 node
Data size: ~8GB, ~800,000 docs
CPU: 2 core intel
Hard drive: non-SSD
ES heap: ~3.5GB

The search query is with highlighting. It's searching against an index with ~35,000 docs.

Hot threads output:

Any help is appreciated.

Anyone shed some light please?

If you highlight many results and looking to highlight multiple fields then the default highlighter is known to be expensive. In an effort to re-create the matching and scoring logic that went into producing each hit it does this pseudo code:

for each doc to be highlighted:
    for each field that needs highlighting:
       index field value into a temporary, in-memory index
       run query against in-memory index
       throw away in-memory index

You can see some of this in-memory indexing going on in your hot threads.

That does seem like a quite expensive operation. Will try to limit the usage of highlights and see if it helps. Thanks!

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