Search with word1 and word2 together in Elastic

We have a document with words lego(word1) and starwars(word2) with the name of the product
when I search for legostarwars as a single word, we are not getting any results. Is there a way to achieve this search?


I don't think there's an ideal answer but may be using vector search capabilities which might be able to catch this up.

Using the classic search, there are several options you could look at:

thanks for the pointers, I have already tried with Synonyms, and it works but unfortunately that comes with some manual maintenance. Trying to see if there is any automatic way to achieve this.

I'm not sure there's a tokenizer which does that (indexing foo bar baz as foo, bar, baz, foobar, barbaz). The last option if none of the other options work would be to build your tokenizer.

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