Searching for Mentions Instead of Every Occurence

Hello Elasticsearchers,

I was wondering how to formulate a query to just get a single instance
of a value as opposed to every instance.

Concretely, in keeping with the twitter and tweet case, the scenario
would be when a user wants to search who s/he has mentioned in tweets.
How many times the other user has been mentioned or the tweets where
they were mentioned is not important. Is there a filter that could do
this or do you have to parse through every search result and instance
to derive this info?


I believe that your data needs be structured so that each tweet also
stores who is mentioned in it.

Then you just need to facet on that field that holds the mentioned

Hope this helps,

On Nov 18, 4:43 am, Ted Karmel wrote:

Hello Elasticsearchers,

I was wondering how to formulate a query to just get a single instance
of a value as opposed to every instance.

Concretely, in keeping with the twitter and tweet case, the scenario
would be when a user wants to search who s/he has mentioned in tweets.
How many times the other user has been mentioned or the tweets where
they were mentioned is not important. Is there a filter that could do
this or do you have to parse through every search result and instance
to derive this info?
