Searching for multiple values in array using wildcards

Hi all,
I have an array with several values. For example, in these two documents I have the following arrays:
1 - tags: ["Apple TV", "TV"]
2 - tags: ["Apple", "TV"]

If I want to search for "Apple TV", I can send a query as the following:

  "query": {
                    "bool": {
                        "must": [
                            {"query_string": {"query": "Apple t* " , "analyze_wildcard": true}}

The problem in this case is that in this case the document #2 will get a higher score.
If I query with "Apple TV" as a phrase, the scoring will be what I expect, but sending a phrase won't allow me to use wildcards:

 "query": {
                    "bool": {
                        "must": [
                            {"query_string": {"query": "\\"Apple t*\\" " , "analyze_wildcard": true}}

will not return any values...

So the question is:

How can I use wildcards in phrases so I can search for vales in Array that contains phrases and not just words?


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You should better think about it in a different way IMO. You can combine different kind of search in a bool query with should clauses and never use wildcards.

I shared an example (not with partial terms though but that should may be help):

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Thanks. Will try that approach.

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