Searching for whole URL using elastic4s

I'm using elastic4s in order to index and search data in ES. Part of the document I'm storing contains a url field which I need to search for (the entire url). The problem occurs when I search for a document containing the url field and get 0 results.

For the purpose of this search I define a mapping ahead of inserting the data into the index:

client.execute {
  create index <my_index> mappings {
    <my_type> as {
      "url" typed StringType analyzer NotAnalyzed

I'm inserting the data:

client.execute { index into <my_index> -> <my_type> fields (
  "url" -> ""

And I search for the documents:

val filter =
  |    "filtered" : {
  |        "query" : {
  |            "match_all" : {}
  |        },
  |        "filter" : {
  |            "bool" : {
  |              "should" : [
  |                { "bool" : {
  |                  "must" : [
  |                     { "term" : { "url" : "" } }
  |                  ]
  |                } }
  |              ]
  |            }
  |        }
  |    }

client.execute { search in <my_index> -> <my_type> rawQuery { filter } }.await

I get 0 results after executing this query. What am I doing wrong?


I'v also posted this question here: