Searching on terms with dashes

We have a document that is basically like so:

"_index" : "foo",
"_type" : "log",
"_id" : "6fWTxYKQT1GVD05o5arkFg",
"_score" : 1.0, "_source" :

I'm trying to do an exact search based on the domain. For example:

curl http://localhost:9200/ion/_search?pretty=true -d '{ "query" :
{ "term" : { "fields.domain" : "" } } }'

However, this just returns an empty result. If I remove the dash, it
works. What can I do here to be able to search with dashes???


change the mapping for the field like so (quotes removed for readability):

domain:{type:string, index:not_analyzed}

this page describes the details:

& this one might be useful too:


On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 1:28 PM, Dan Diephouse wrote:

We have a document that is basically like so:

"_index" : "foo",
"_type" : "log",
"_id" : "6fWTxYKQT1GVD05o5arkFg",
"_score" : 1.0, "_source" :

I'm trying to do an exact search based on the domain. For example:

curl http://localhost:9200/ion/_search?pretty=true -d '{ "query" :
{ "term" : { "fields.domain" : "" } } }'

However, this just returns an empty result. If I remove the dash, it
works. What can I do here to be able to search with dashes???
