Second index on elastic search

Hy i have two index on elastic the first catalogo_prodotti and the second catalogo_esercenti.
In the second i use the functionscore in this way, but when i try to get the list, i have the error

Fielddata is disabled on text fields by default, please help me thankyou

client.Search(s => s
.Query(q => q
.FunctionScore(fsc => fsc
.Functions(f => f
.FieldValueFactor(b => b
.FieldValueFactor(b => b
.FieldValueFactor(b => b
.FieldValueFactor(b => b
.Query(qx =>

                                            qx.MultiMatch(m => m
                                                .Fields(ff => ff
                                                .Field(f => f.Id, fattID)
                                                .Field(f => f.vendor, fattVE)
                                                .Field(f => f.descrizione, fattDE)
                                                .Field(f => f.testoricerca, fattTE)



is it possible that the mapping of those two indices differs for the fields you are using in your function score query?

You can retrieve the mappings via the Get Mapping API

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