Security.Permissions Exceptions in Elastic.Net.ConnectionConfiguration in wcf dot net applications

Hi Folks,

Hope, anyone helps on this to get an answer for this : I am working in a wcf dot net applications - I am logging in elastic search, it works in my local windows 10 machine, when hosting the wcf application in windows server in IIS, when I tried to logging the logs in elastic search, my wcf dot net code gives following errors "The type initilaizer for throws an exception", System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission at
Connectionconfiguration 1..ctor(Iconnectionpool connectionpool, Iconnection connection, Ielasticsearchserializer requestResponseSerializer) at serilog.sinks.elasticsearch.elasticsearchsinksstate..ctor(Elasticsearchsinkoptions options)
at serilog.sinks.elasticsearch.elasticsearchsinksstate..create(Elasticsearchsinkoptions options)
at serilog.sinks.elasticsearch.elasticsearchsinks..ctor(Elasticsearchsinkoptions options)

Pls help on this issue to resolve in my window server asap

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