Segments memory increases after search

Hello everyone!

Does anybody know why segments memory increases (column 'sm' in _cat API) after searches.
For example, I have the next stat before searches:
n hp hm fm fe fcm sm so sqc
Thunderstrike 58 86gb 0b 26575 1.7gb 29.9gb 0 0
Burstarr 57 86gb 492.4mb 20461 1.4gb 24.9gb 0 0
Microchip 2 16gb 0b 0 0b 0b 0 0

And after ~30 wide searches:
n hp hm fm fe fcm sm so sqc
Thunderstrike 72 86gb 5.1gb 139468 1.7gb 44.9gb 0 0
Burstarr 78 86gb 2.8gb 78926 1.4gb 37.4gb 0 0
Microchip 10 16gb 0b 0 0b 0b 0 0

If I restart cluster, I'll get the first values of sm.
Is it Lucene area?

P.S. Yes, I have a LOT of data (~10TB of indices size).

Its super hard to say but I have a few tips:

  1. Wrap the output of _cat in triple backticks (```) so it gets a fixed width font.
  2. Post an example query. Or one with names changed but the same structure.

Thanks for your reply, Nik! I have the same template for all search queries:

    "from" : 0,
    "size" : 100,
    "query" : {
        "filtered" : {
            "query" : {
                "indices" : {
                    "indices" : ["2015-*"],
                    "query" : {
                        "bool" : {
                            "must" : [
                                    "query_string" : {
                                        "default_operator" : "AND",
                                        "query" : "keyword"
                    "no_match_query" : "none"
            "filter" : {
                "and" : [
                        "numeric_range" : {
                            "73" : { "from" : 0, "to" : 2067935475, "include_lower" : true, "include_upper" : true }
    "partial_fields" : {
        "_source" : {
            "exclude" : "12290"

Also, I'm using elasticsearch 1.3.9, but I saw the same behaviour with 1.7.3.

I can add some additional information I investigated recently.

[localhost-"" index]# service elasticsearch restart
Stopping elasticsearch:                                    [  OK  ]
Starting elasticsearch:                                    [  OK  ]
[localhost-"" index]# curl ''
[localhost-"" index]# curl localhost:9200/_search?q=hello
[localhost-"" index]# curl ''
[localhost-"" index]# service elasticsearch restart
Stopping elasticsearch:                                    [  OK  ]
Starting elasticsearch:                                    [  OK  ]
[localhost-"" index]# curl ''


```[localhost-"" index]# service elasticsearch restart
Stopping elasticsearch:                                    [  OK  ]
Starting elasticsearch:                                    [  OK  ]
[localhost-"" index]# curl ''
[localhost-"" index]# curl localhost:9200/_search?q=h*
[localhost-"" index]# curl ''

So sm increases after full term search.

I investigated lucene code a bit and found that sm consists of FieldsProducer, DocValuesProducer, StoredFieldsReader and TermVectorsReader. Who is the culprit? TermsVector?

Is it important? Very important (at least for me), because I have the next typical situation:
1) After ES starting everything is OK, GC works rarely and frees a lot of memory;
```[2015-12-13 14:00:09,446][INFO ][monitor.jvm              ] [Sluk] [gc][young][37410][451] duration [863ms], collections [1]/[1s], total [863ms]/[1.1m], memory [76.8gb]->[53.5gb]/
[86gb], all_pools {[young] [26.2gb]->[32mb]/[0b]}{[survivor] [352mb]->[3.2gb]/[0b]}{[old] [50.2gb]->[50.2gb]/[86gb]}```
2) I make 100 searches or more
3) GC works every minute and frees nothing
```[2015-12-15 14:02:20,000][WARN ][monitor.jvm              ] [War V] [gc][old][15560][682] duration [25.9s], collections [1]/[30.2s], total [25.9s]/[5.1h], memory [80.2gb]->[77.8gb
]/[86gb], all_pools {[young] [2gb]->[128mb]/[0b]}{[survivor] [192mb]->[0b]/[0b]}{[old] [78gb]->[77.7gb]/[86gb]}```
4) ES becomes unresponsive

But index size the same!

So it were norms and I chose a hard way to realize that :slight_smile: Disabling norms helped me.

Sorry! Yeah, norms are a thing. They live in memory in some versions but there was an effort to get them to disk like doc values and that's done but I don't remember which version it is in. 2.0 probably.