Reading through logstash plugins documentation, I couldn't find a way to send single data point for each generated @timestamp (1 datapoint/event per milisecond). Is that even a possibility?
Appreciate the help!
input {
file {
path => "/home/emanuel/ondas/amp/amp_*.csv"
start_position => "beginning"
sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
}filter {
grok { match => [ "path", "/(?<filename>[^/]+).csv" ] } csv { separator => "," columns => ["id", "amplitude", "time", "dist"] skip_header => true } mutate {convert => ["id", "integer"] } mutate {convert => ["amplitude", "float"] } mutate {convert => ["time", "float"] } mutate {convert => ["dist", "float"] } mutate { remove_field => ["host", "message", "path", "@version"] }
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ""
document_type => "data"
index => "%{filename}"
stdout { codec => json_lines }