Sending AWS S3 Data to AWS Cloud Watch


I'm trying to send log data from AWS S3 to CloudWatch and nothing is happening
This is log file

{"docker": {"container_id": "fe9802"},"kubernetes": {"container_name": "pairwise-individual"}},"message": "2022-01-05 12:43:39.332 )","level": "info","@timestamp": "2022-01-05T12:43:39.335718+00:00",  "viaq_index_name": "app-write",  "viaq_msg_id": "ZmIz1LWE5asstZWNiMDdlMDkxNzM0",  "log_type": "application"}
{"docker": {"container_id": "fe9803"},"kubernetes": {"container_name": "pairwise-individual"}},"message": "2022-01-05 12:43:39.336 )","level": "info","@timestamp": "2022-01-05T12:43:39.335718+00:00",  "viaq_index_name": "app-write",  "viaq_msg_id": "ZmIz1LWE5YmYtZWNiMDdlMDkxNzM0",  "log_type": "application"}

And this is my configuration

input {
    s3 {
        id => "idexnpe"
        access_key_id => "sefsef"
        secret_access_key => "sefsfe"
        bucket => "bucket name"
        prefix => "logs"
        region => "ap-southeast-2"
        interval => "10"
        codec => multiline { pattern => "^Spalanzani" negate => true what => previous auto_flush_interval => 1 multiline_tag => "" }
filter {
       alter {
            add_field => { "CW_metric" => "IDXLogs" }
       json {
                skip_on_invalid_json => true
                source => "message"
output {
        stdout {
            codec => json_lines
        cloudwatch {
            access_key_id => "sfsef"
            secret_access_key => "sefsef"
            region => "ap-southeast-2"

Can someone help me?

Please don't start multiple topics on the same question :slight_smile:

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