Sending Squid Logs with Filebeat and manipulate with logstash


This might be a newbish question but I haven't been able to find what I've been looking for elsewhere online. I am trying to learn how to send logs that don't have pre-built modules to logstash and have logstash do some formatting and create indexes that I can then send to elasticsearch. I am trying to collect squid logs, mark them as such, and send them to logstash for this formatting with filebeat.

My issue is, it seems like there are no issues with filebeat on the squid server but I'm not seeing anything pass through logstash to elasticsearch. I'm assuming I am tagging the logs wrong and/or I my logstash filter isn't picking them up.

Here is my configuration files:

filebeat.yml on squid server:

    - type: log
      enabled: true

        - '/var/log/squid/access.log'

      exclude_files: ['.gz$']

        type: 'squid'

      hosts: [""]

On ELK server..


input {
  beats {
    port => 5044


filter {
      if [type] == "log" {
        if [type] == "squid" {
          mutate {
            add_field => { "hey_this_works" => "yay" }

And for output..I'm troubleshooting by sending locally to a file but will change once I get it working.

   output {
       file {
            codec => "plain"
            path => "/var/logs/logs-%{+YYYY-MM-dd}.txt"

It cannot be both, so this will never execute the mutate.

If you are new to Logstash and looking to parse Squid logs, this introductory blog post might be useful.

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I figured that was the main culprit. How would I correctly tag this data and have logstash act on it?

Unless you are setting fields_under_root in filebeat adding a type field will get you an field called "[fields][type]". If you decide to set fields_under_root I would suggest not calling the field type. Use doctype instead.

filter {
    if [fields][type] == "squid" {
        mutate {
            add_field => { "hey_this_works" => "yay" }

Thank you for the post. I wish I stumbled across that last night.

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