Separate ELK pattern for log files

Hi team,
Can any one help me to find the solution for my below requirement.

I have two apache server and I want to send the apache access and error logs to elk server via filebeat apache module to logstash. I configured apache.yml and apache.conf file in logstash.
in logstash,
apache1.conf - srever1
apache2.conf - server2. with different index name.
These configuration was working fine, but the issue is it sending the logs to both index name.
see my apache.conf file below,( apache2.conf file also same , only the difference is file path and index name)

input {
  beats {
     port => 5044

filter {
    if [log][file][path] in ["/var/log/apache2/sfsite-access_log","/var/log/apache2/sfapi-access_log"] {
      grok {
        match => { "message" => "\[%{HTTPDATE:time_stamp}\] %{HOSTNAME:domain_name} \"%{WORD:method} /%{NOTSPACE:request_page} HTTP/%{NUMBER:http_version}\" %{NUMBER:response_code} (?:%{NUMBER:response_bytes}|-)  %{QS:agent} %{NOTSPACE:page_url} %{QS:agent_type}" }

      grok {
        match => { "message" => "%{IP:client_ip}" }
      geoip {
        source => "[client_ip]"
        ecs_compatibility => disabled

else if [log][file][path] in ["/var/log/apache2/sfsite-error_log","/var/log/apache2/sfapi-error_log"] {
      grok {
        match => { "message" => "\[%{HTTPDERROR_DATE:timestamp-error}\] \[%{DATA:loglevel}%{SPACE}\] \[%{DATA:process-id}%{SPACE}\]%{SPACE}\[%{DATA:client-ip}\] %{GREEDYDATA:message} (\[%{NOTSPACE:Index}\]\[%{NUMBER:shards}\])?%{GREEDYDATA} %{GREEDYDATA:referred_url}" }

output {
  elasticsearch {
    hosts => ["https://a.a.a.a:9200"]
    index => "index-testing-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
    user => "elastic"
    password => "pppppp"
    ssl => true
    cacert => "/etc/logstash/http_ca.crt"

can any one help me out this.

You need to have conditionals in the output as well, the same ones that you are using in the filter section.

Hi @Leandrojmp

Can you give any examples for configure the conditional statements in output sections as well. It will more helpful.

Also is there any documentation..!

It is exactly the same ones you are using in your filter.

It would be something like this:

output {
  if [log][file][path] in ["/var/log/apache2/sfsite-access_log","/var/log/apache2/sfapi-access_log"] {
    elasticsearch { your output for this indice}
  } else if [log][file][path] in ["/var/log/apache2/sfsite-error_log","/var/log/apache2/sfapi-error_log"] {
    elasticsearch { your output for this indice}

The documentation about conditionals is this one.


Thank you so much for your guidance.

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